Expectations When Getting A New Puppy

It's almost impossible to resist a cute, loving, bubbly, inquisitive, playful puppy! They bring so much joy to our lives! Before you open your heart and home to a new little one let's review our expectations and consider the responsibility caring for a puppy will entail.

Some eager parents are looking to fill a void in their homes and hearts after the devastating loss of their beloved pet. While it seems like filling your arms with another joyful bundle will sooth the loss the opposite may happen. A time for grief is needed. Some people feel guilty for loving a new one as if betraying the lost one who gave you so much joy for many years. Some are completely caught unaware of the neediness of a puppy and the time needed to care for him/her at a time of self soothing and healing where you have little to give. While most readily admit that their lost beloved one can't be replaced that is exactly what they are trying to do. After a placement I hear such things as: my lost sweetie was so outgoing, she loved walks in the park, she greeted her daddy everyday with his slippers in her mouth, the new puppy is quite different, we thought we could train her. The biggest shock for most is losing a trained, loved, adult dog and then get a helpless infant puppy. They had not thought about what they would have to give but rather what the puppy would give to them, relief from the pain of loss.

It’s around day two of life with a new puppy that most people start to ask themselves, “what have I gotten myself into?” When you bring a puppy home, you are suddenly faced with obnoxious puppy behavior like whining, biting, jumping, chewing, and peeing & pooping on the carpet. This new owner usually feels overwhelmed and out of control

If you’ve done any research at all, you know that proper care and training is critical during a puppy’s first few months. The things your puppy experiences now are going to affect him for the rest of his life. No pressure, right?

Between managing the puppy’s destructive tendencies, worrying about stuff like vaccinations and socialization, and dealing with well-intentioned but often incorrect advice from friends, family, and TV shows, a puppy parent can get a little overwhelmed.

There are ways to deal with all of the above behaviors and I will offer tips but all new parents need to go into it with their eyes wide open. Do you have the time to raise a baby puppy? It will demand a lot from you in order to produce the happy, outgoing adult dog that will delight you for years!

OK, now that you have seen the worst, let's look at ways to make it all manageable and worth the work!


  1. Have you recently lost a furry family member? Please read my story.

    We lost our beloved Zoey in May of 2017. She was nine years old and she was a member of our family her whole life. Our hearts were absolutely torn apart. We felt the only way to be happy was to get another dog to love and be part of our family.
    I picked up our baby Maltese, Libby, in August when she was eight weeks old. I was expecting a dog (like Zoey) that I could sleep with and that would take naps in my lap. Instead, our puppy couldn't sit still for five seconds!!! She was constantly licking, biting, chewing and having accidents EVERYWHERE!!! It was very difficult and disappointing to say the least! But, we kept with it.
    The biggest disappointment was I didn't love Libby like I did Zoey. I still tear up everyday when I think about my lost furry baby. She left a tremendous hole in my heart! Getting Libby has in no way eased the pain. I've still had to go through the grieving process. A broken heart is like a deep wound that only time will heal! I realize now that love takes time.
    Libby is now 7 months old. She has finally calmed down enough to sleep in my lap. She is still too excited to sleep with me at night. She now takes herself into the bathroom and goes potty on her potty pad. I am finally feeling like I am now falling in love again! I am looking forward to the time when Libby can relax with me and behave like an older dog. I now love her for who she is, and not as a replacement for my grieving heart.

    It has been a very long road! I am so happy I stuck with it. I can finally say that, in our hearts, Libby has become a furry family member!
    My reason for writing my story is not to dissuade anyone from getting a new puppy. I just want people to go into the process, knowing what to expect.

    Best wishes to all,


  2. Sally - Love the Ultimate puppy checklist - great inforkmation as usual!

    Joe and Ronna Cardone

  3. You are wise in setting the expectations for new parents. A puppy is not much different from a new baby in the fact that it requires your full time attention and each puppy has different needs.

  4. Thank you Sally, what you say is true. I've experienced the death of a few of my animals. I still after so many years ago tear up thinking of my beloved pets.I don't expect the new puppy to take the place of my devoted, passed on older dog. He's his own personality. Love the checklist you included. Patients, you have to take one day at a time to train the new puppy. Love, cuddle and play, he will come around. Thank you for the information.

    Tim and Jane Vaughn

  5. Sally, thank you for the great checklist! Although we have had experience with these puppies before, it's reassuring to have such a thorough and thoughtful checklist available!! We look forward to preparing our home for a puppy!

    Joey Cardone and Ashley Hefton

  6. So reassuring to know other people feel the same as I did after the loss of a fur baby! Its take me almost 3 years to be ready to welcome a new bundle of joy! I had to know I was ready to completely open my heart! Im so glad we waited because I know now the joy and excitement I feel now wouldn't have happened had I rushed it! Thanks so much for sharing all this wisdom!
    Sally D

  7. Dear Sally,
    I am lucky to have not experienced the loss of a beloved puppy. I know that will be a very sad day. Thank you for this very helpful blog, it helps me see that a new puppy will require a lot of work and helps me prepare for what is to come. This is why we have waited so long to find the perfect pet for our family. We wanted to be 100% prepare and ready to bring home a new family member.

    Lan T.

  8. Sally, as so many, I too have lost a dog that was the love of my life. The grieving process was difficult, really difficult. But I am so happy I allowed myself time to totally go through the grieving process, because now I know I am ready to open my heart unconditionally to a new love of my life wirh absolutely no expectations of him being like nor replacing my first doggie love. In fact, it's important to me that my new boy has his own unique personality, I can't wait to fall in love again! The puppy stage can be challenging, but I love this stage! What a time to bond, teach, and learn.

    I love your check list it is very helpful. The only thing I would add is getting a bottle of "Score 10X" it's a must for any new puppy parent. Not if, but rather when your puppy pees on the carpet after you have dabbed it up with a towel spray "Score 10X" on the area it totally elementates any residue and oder permanently. It even works on old pet stains/oders.

    Denise Vallier

  9. I love the puppy checklist i took a picture of it. I learned a couple new things by just reading it.

  10. I read the stories of those whoe've lost a loved dog as have I. While it's hard to say goodbye, I had 7 months to prepare for it. I was lucky to have those extra months when I was told my girl was going to die. It is heartbreaking. But that time was special and therapeutic for me. I am very ready for a puppy and look forward to your excellent knowledge Sally and your help. I'm very excited and ready for my new baby.

  11. Thanks for postitng this. It is clear you want people to be committed and prepared for your angel babies so that they go to tthe best homes possible. -- Stephanie Andrus

  12. I remember the grief of losing a treasured pet as a kid. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a dog as a constant in my life and I’m so blessed to be in the position to devote the time, energy and resources that a puppy needs! Plus, I know you’re there, Sally, just a phone call away if I need some guidance. That checklist is something I saw from you a couple weeks ago and saved: along with the recommendations you have in another post, I’ve been adding things to my internet shopping cart, all ready to hit the “checkout button” for when I’m a confirmed puppy mama! I really appreciate Debbie’s post too, very realistic and down to earth: sometimes it’s not love at first, but I’m so happy she’s falling in love with Libby and hope they’ve created a beautiful bond.
    -CD, Mapleton

  13. Sally, thank you for the helpful checklist. Since I have had dogs in the past, including a Maltese, I have most of the items already. I am fully prepared to embrace this new puppy as a blessing and not a burden. I know what kind of a commitment this is and take it very seriously.

    Lisa H. 05/23/18

  14. This blog was very helpful. We had to put our
    Maltese puppy down August 17, 2018. It helped hearing others share their experience in grieving of their puppy. Sally's list of items needed for our new puppy was thorough and complete. Items were on the list that I would have forgotten or never thought of.
    Also, just being reminded of the needs of a 'new puppy'.
    Sally has thought of EVERYTHING! Larry and I are so thankful we found Sally and her beautiful Angel Babies!
    Larry & Denise Ramsfield

  15. Thank you for putting together this very helpful list. It's been some time since I have had a Maltese puppy, and I so appreciate all that you are doing to prepare new owners of the commitment and pitfalls of having a new little life in the house. Thank you Sally for doing such an amazing job. -Jamie Iacoli

  16. Like many others have said, thank you, Sally! We are so grateful for the checklist and that you've removed our rose colored glasses for a moment to set proper expectations.
    @Denise Vallier, thanks for recommending Score 10x as an additional resource for puppy accidents. .

  17. Love the checklist.
    I have also lost previous fur babies. It's the worst part of having a pet, the goodbye. I never let my babies pass alone. While sitting with them as they pass is heart breaking, I feel like they were comforted that I was by their side till the end.
    Each of my babies has been there own individual. I look forward to each personality.

  18. A death is hard..we love them so deeply as if we mothered them ourselfs..

  19. We read everyone’s comments last October’s after loosing our much loved Poppy. We took it all to heart as we knew we wanted to have grieving time and it was soooooooooo hard going through our daily without her. Thank you everyone for sharing..........it helped get us through a difficult time and reinforced our decision to wait it out. We now are looking forward to a new phase in our lives with a little angel.
    Joyce and Robert Miller
    Ashland, OR

  20. You are so right about losing a pet. It took us a whole year to decide it was time for a new puppy. But we are so excited now to meet her. I love the puppy stage and look forward to the challenges and joys :)

  21. Sally thank you for posting the Ultimate Puppy Checklist. We can see there are many items to be purchased.


  22. Ok... the comments about loosing a pet and taking the time to grieve pretty much hit home. We are grieving and my husband is feeling a little like he would be betraying our Abby with another baby. I believe our Abby has sent me to Sally. I'm giving it time.

    We will be ready for this puppy when the time comes. We both have a place in our hearts to love another fur baby. And the Ultimate Puppy Checklist is amazing. There are things on the list that I had not even thought of. I'm loving these check-off lists.

    Carol P

  23. The Ultimate Puppy Checklist is great!! I totally agree that having a puppy is like having a baby, and should have the same level of dedication and devotion put into it. :)

  24. Good information on the checklist!

  25. We can relate completely to losing a part of our family. Our previous dog went everywhere and did everything with us. It has taken 5 years for us to want to add another member to our family. We wanted to make sure that we were ready and could commit to the process because we remember how overwhelming and completely rewarding the transition can be. The freedom that we have with our business means that we are finally ready and can devote as much time, effort, and love as we need to!
    Mandy and Melissa

  26. Losing a beloved pet is extremely heart wrenching. When Alice passed 4 months ago I was comforted that we were holding her, she knew she was loved until the end, and we knew that we had taken the very best care of her possible. We wouldn't have wanted her to have to suffer and have no quality of life for another minute. I still feel like her spirit is with us.
    The ultimate puppy checklist is a great resource. We already have most of the things on the list as we have been dog and puppy parents for many years, but there are a few things for use to take notice of. I took a picture of it for my desktop!
    Marjie W.

  27. Thank you Sally for understanding Puppy grief. I lost my Jack a year after I lost my mom. Although the grief was totally different, I found myself remembering them together as I cared for my mom in her last days and Jack was always there sitting with her. I miss Jack, and I know a new Puppy will never replace him in my Heart. I am ready to have a new puppy love of my life, even with all the puppy challenges to come. Eyes and Heart Wide open.

  28. When our new baby arrives is will be one year since we lost our beloved "Harley". After our loss it was just to painful to think about welcoming a new puppy into our lives. As time went on we found ourselves wanting to experience the joy Harley gave us. Even though our new little one will not replace Harley we are ready to open our hearts to a new bundle of joy.

    Just printed off the great list you provided. Thank you Sally for providing such great information. I wish I could of been this well informed when we first brought our Harley home 13 years ago.

  29. Thank you for this blog, it's a gentle reminder of how extremely important it is to have realistic expectations when taking on the responsibility of a puppy. We are more than ready to welcome, love and train one of your Angel Babies.

  30. The Breeder of Maltese Angel Babies helps ensure that future parents have realistic expecatations. First, she makes sure they understand not only the fun, emotional highs of having a puppy but also the challenging times during the puppy’s weaning stage, chewing, potty training, and essential nutritional needs. Sally leads you to do some serious soul-searching to make sure you are absolutely committed to the lifetime care of this precious living being. We are taking this commitment very seriously. We are in the process of posting emergency procedures on our refrigerator about phone numbers of loving people in our lives who have made a commitment to take care our little Maltese in the event we’re ever in an emergency situation, such as hospitalization or injuries or serious illness (such as the current fear of coronavirus). We want to make sure that provisions have been made ahead of time and that a plan is in place for this little Maltese to have loving, caring people during its whole lifetime.

    On another note, we believe that Sally & Steve are headed toward becoming world-renown Maltese Breeders - they are unlike any we have ever encountered. We will not be surprised to one day turn on the TV to see them being interviewed on The Today Show!

    Diane & Charles

  31. Sally,
    As you know we had to put our 13yr old Maltese Lexi down in Dec.2019. It was one of our worst days.
    I appreciate the fact you have been through the hurt and grief of losing something that only is there to bring joy to your life! The emptiness is sometimes overwhelming. To say your pet is part of the family is an understatement.
    The first thing you want is a puppy, not for replacement , but to keep your mind off of sadness. So for us getting our new baby would bring the " Joy " you mentioned when we talked. Reading all of these other stories make us know we are not alone and reassured that with your amazing checklist we can get through training and loving a new baby in our lives.

    John & Betty

  32. Losing a long time family pet is so difficult. I wanted to get a puppy right away but my better half has been the voice of reason through my grieving process. We realized we could never replace her but she left a BIG hole in our hearts and we have so much love left to give. We don’t have expectations for this puppy to replace our past baby but we are ready to shower our new angel baby with love. I also love the handy list of things we need to pick up our new puppy!
    Jen & Jay
    Seattle, WA

  33. Love how you put the puppy check list and everything you need to have to be ready for a new puppy coming into your home. Some items I wouldn't have thought of. We are very eager to shower a new puppy with love and are anxious for their arrival. These blogs are great in preparing us for that day.

    Stuart & Shirlee
    Portland, Oregon

  34. Love the Ultimate puppy checklist - great information & I really enjoy those who have shared.
    Don & Gay
    Milwaukie OR

  35. Very thoughtful. You always live with the fact your pets aren't going to live as long as you. But, it is so great to know we can love again. Thanks for the nice puppy check list. Very good.
    Steve & Stephanie

  36. It's good to remember the beginning again and that it will take several weeks to integrate with our new angle baby into our home life. There is always the excitement of a new fur baby, but it will also have it's ups and downs.
    Jenn & Chris, Wilsonville, OR

  37. Sally, I am so ready for it all! Thank you for such a complete checklist. This is exactly what I needed to make sure I am well prepared.

  38. Brittany GrenfellMay 5, 2020 at 12:40 PM

    Again, thanks for the info! This chart is awesome! I usually forget something, but you made it easy to keep everything in order.

    I know that puppies are not all fun and games. It can be frustrating. But I believe positive reinforcement and being persistent are the two main keys of training a puppy. It just takes a lot of time!

  39. Great information Sally! I lost my beloved yorkie Jasmine who was my companion through school, marriage, the birth of my daughter, more school, and a divorce. Much like human family members, they can never be replaced. I have always been in love with both Maltese and Yorkies, and feel that the time is right to find another companion and family member. I decided to go with a Maltese because, although similar, they are distinctly different breeds with their own unique qualities. I will always have Jasmine in my heart, but will love my Angel baby equally, if not more because of the wonderful bonding experience Sally offers in documenting our baby's life from birth to pick up. I feel so lucky to have found Angel Babies!
    El Paso, Texas

  40. The checklist is super helpful as I've never raised a puppy before myself. I've seen it done both ways - with proper training and without, and I understand that they are like children - the work and patience that you put in and stick with pays off in multiples down the road.

  41. The neW puppy checklist is very helpful. Thank you! I have had four awesome dogs in my life. None has ever replaced another. Each dog I have added to my pack has taught me new and interesting things about love. I cannot wait to add another member to my family!

  42. This is so heartfelt. The time investment at the beginning is so important. I love being real about these thoughts.
    Emma Sheridan Or

  43. Thank you for posting the good, the bad, and the ugly details. Going in with our eyes wide open will ensure that our puppy has the smoothest transition possible. Thank you Sally for your insightful dedication to your puppies! We appreciate it.
    Darielle, Los Alamitos CA

  44. Yes, this brought back lots of those first puppy memories. I just can't wait to make new ones.

    Karolyn & Vern, Carson, WA

  45. I so appreciate this post. I lost my Millie, and my mom and I were both so in love with her. I finally got myself to the place where I am ready to love my new addition and all the new personality that comes with her. I have seen how much progress my aunt's puppy has made with training in the last few months, and I am so excited to begin my own process with my little girl. I expect she will need a lot of patience and love, which I am fully ready to provide!
    Hood River, OR

  46. It is heart breaking to read about the grief that people go thru when losing there fur babies, my heart goes out to them. The check list is wonderful

  47. Losing a loved one is very hard. We had to put our 10 year old Lab mix down a few years ago - it took us a while to get over that. A new family member is something my husband and I do not take lightly. We are in this together and we are fully committed with our eyes open!
    Thank you Sally for dealing with the good, bad and the ugly. Elizabeth S, Lacey/WA

  48. Sally THANK YOU for the thorough checklist! Everything about this process takes the guesswork out of it, and minimizes unknowns and risks as much as possible - to the extent possible. Your approach of "This is what I do and why, this is when, here's what you can expect. Now you do these things, make sure you have these, don't forget this - and I'm here for you every step of the way!" is a huge value-add and level of comfort for a prospective new puppy parent. Thank you thank you!

  49. Great info! The comments were especially helpful.
    Eunji F.
    Seattle, WA

  50. I love the puppy checklist i took a picture of it. I learned a couple new things by just reading it.

    Sowmya S

  51. These are very wise words. Thanks for sharing them.

    Michael P., Los Angeles, CA

  52. Sally, thank you for a reminder of knowing why I want one of your Angel Babies. I really grieved the recent death of our second Maltese. It was hard. My husband wanted to get a new dog right away, our groomer told us the right dog would come to us. I was not sold on the idea of getting a puppy. The work of going through another puppy can be difficult. It's been 25 years since we had our first puppy, he was already pretty much potty trained and very easy to welcome into our home. Our first Maltese was here to train our second puppy - so he came into our world and entertained us all. They were both a joy with their own distinctive personalities. I looked at rescue dogs, but so many come with horror stories. I looked for Maltese breeders in our area and I only found one and I didn't care for her. Then I looked further and so many puppy mill brokers came up. Then I saw your Angel Baby website and you were so quick to call me back. I appreciated so much how extensive your website and blog are in providing so much useful information. Then you called me - and I was comforted to talk to you and then to Denise who I felt like I had been sent to by God. Things happen for a reason. We are both looking forward to making a new home for our Angel Baby, a better one than we could have done without all of your help. Thank you.

  53. The list is super helpful. Puppies are like having a newborn baby and the list is a great reminder to being prepared so we can enjoy each moment. Peggy Z.

  54. I lost my first dog 12 years ago and had another one afterwards. I still keep some of their favorite belongings but loosing the first one especially was the hardest. We all need our time to get over the grief to give the next one the love that they deserve and that would be a much better beginning for the family and the baby. Evrim B., Seattle, Wa

  55. You are so right about the loss of a dear friend and part of the family. We have lost our Gregory that was 15 1/2 years old suddenly 3 weeks ago. It feels like a very big part of our family is missing. We have had 5 Maltese. They all had different personalities and it always important to understand that puppies are babies and you need energy to keep up with them especially at 2am when they need to go outside. Having a safe space "disneyland" should overcome this until they get old enough to wait all night. But good words for all of us that have lost a dear friend like we have lost Gregory.

  56. I lost my Pepee 2 and 1/2 ago I bought I never can replace him and I totally forget about treaingin the new born . So for me the ck list and puppy training tell me how much I m ready for it and how important it is to do that.
    I sien peopel get the puppy and give up on them after a week and give them back
    and say they don't want them so I am thankful that you reminding us with all the info .
    Manijee S

  57. I lost my baby Becca of 14 years due to renal failure and she had a lot of toys and a few beds in the house she was always with me. I miss my baby so much and i know she knew how much she was love. Now I'm ready to bring home another tiny baby and she or he will have their own toys and and special things to be comfortable. Cant wait to love and cuddle my baby. Connie M Klamath Falls, OR>

  58. I fully understand the time, patience and commitment necessary in welcoming this
    new little member into our home. Grieving a lost pet, like any close family member,
    is an ongoing process. Welcoming a new one opens up new horizons. We look
    forward to opening our home and hearts to a new member.

  59. Another helpful post!
    Very much excited to start getting these items from the checklist.

    One thing I wished also now is that for the first time Maltese owners, I hope there was a post/guide to the changes or things needed when these puppies grow up.

    Jayden K, Seattle, WA

  60. We lost our beloved Maltese 2 months ago. He was 17 and the love of our lives. The house feels empty and lifeless without him, so we are so happy to have found Sally and to be welcoming our new baby into our home in the near future. We are in no way trying to replace Rags, nothing ever could, but we have hope again that our house will feel like a home and instead of tears of sadness there will be tears of joy! We know our new baby isn't going to fix everything, but we have lots of room and love in our hearts for this new little one right beside the love we have for Rags. Our hearts are big and we are ready to love another baby. We appreciate the check list above and will follow it to the letter! Dave and Lori Olympia, WA

  61. The check list you gave is very helpful to direct us get everything we need to prepare. We learn so many by just reading your blogs! I’ll come back once in a while to keep learning and fresh my mind! Fan&Siwei, Seattle, WA

  62. Those stories made me remember how hard it was when we lost our pets in the past, even it was long time ago. It’s heartbreaking and just like the life fell apart.
    I love your check list, this will help me to be 100% prepared for my new baby.
    zliu, Portland, OR

  63. The checklist is very appreciated. Also the reminder that a puppy won't replace the time that is needed to properly grieve a beloved pet. Puppies require so much more attention than a mature and settled in doggie. It is always worth the effort that is put into raising them but it should never be underestimated the time and energy that goes into. Also, it is important to keep in mind that is it okay to give yourself time to properly mourn a loss and to miss your doggie. After taking that time to process and accept, then it is healthy to find another pup to give love to.

  64. Love, Love the check list I will definitely be well prepared!! Again thank you Sally for making the decision to go through your adoption process so so easy. Hugs Jan L

  65. The closest I came to losing a puppy was a Yorkie I got from a girl who needed a new home for it. I didn’t use my head after a month my landlord told me we couldn’t have pets , so luckily the lady took the yorkie back into her homes. Man did I ever feel a loss from such a short time of becoming attached. I can’t imagine the pain some go through with having their puppy for years.
    Now we own a home and I can have as many puppies as I want but one will be plenty.
    I think a good support for loss is important. When my mom passed I went to a wonderful grief class which helped but time mends.
    Knowing that the puppy get attached to us as well it’s a love relationship that only last years.
    The day when our baby goes no doubt will be a sad one. Having someone to talk with will help.
    Nancy p

  66. Knowing you can never replace a pass dog, it takes time to heal-- but we are looking forward to having a new addition to the family.

    The prep list is great!
    Steve & Meg
    Seattle, WA

  67. Love the check list, I literally just bought the slicker brush and blood clotting product from Amazon to use on our fur baby. Great list of must haves. I really can't bear the thought of losing our furry baby boy and I'm hopeful that even though he is 14 he will have many years with his new Angel Baby sibling!

    Joyce & Scott
    Issaquah, WA

  68. All the time will absolutely be worth it! I’m excited to see the puppy grow up :)

    Chris H, Bellevue, WA

  69. We have lost two Maltese to old age and their "big sister" cat. It left us unsure about a "replacement child" but now, several years later, we are thinking less about replacement and more about a positive addition to our lives. With training in mind, it will be nice to know that Randy will not be working this time around!
    Randy and Kernie, Olympia

  70. Thank you for being forward thinking and providing this checklist. The doorbell! I would love to learn how to train with the doorbell Paulette S., Beaverton, Oregon

  71. Thank you for the checklist! We’ll make sure to bring everything we need for this precious pup! We trained our pup pretty early on and he is doing so well so hopefully he will be a good influence to the pup!
    Quills sister,

  72. Sally,
    the checklist is amazing! It will be so helpful when I go shopping to purchase the supplies before I bring my baby home! There are items on there I wouldn't have thought of, thank you! So helpful!

    Krista J.
    Bend, OR.

  73. The checklist is so very valuable that Sally provides! I want to give my puppy the very best care possible, and am so grateful to have Sally’s experience to lean on and refer to. I have raised puppies in the past, but never felt as well equipped as this time!

  74. I forgot to add my name above!
    Stacey V - Hillsboro

  75. I lost my first Maltese baby several years ago, and it has taken me until then to be fully ready to take on the responsibility and commitment to welcome another one into my home. The are your child, part of the family, and should be treated as such.And I love the Ultimate Puppy Checklist!! What a great organizational tool!
    Nancy G. & Bill Q.
    Oregon City, OR

  76. This post is such a great thing to bring up for those who have lost a pet. Nothing can truly replace them, another puppy won't truly fill that void, and expecting it to can really bring heartbreak. We truly agree that being ready for all the work and diligence that is needed for a puppy should be at the forefront of everyone's mind and heart when beginning this journey. Jillian C., Fall Creek, OR

  77. Thank you Sally for your words of wisdom about losing a beloved pet and bringing a new baby into the home.. a new baby can be overwhelming .. I'm glad I have the time to care for a new baby .. I was just thinking last night about the chewing on your hand with those tiny little spiked baby teeth .. Cindy D Lake Tapps, WA

  78. Thankfully, I have the time and energy to take care of a new baby. I know it will be a lot of time and patience but excited to be a part of it again. I can’t wait!!! :)
    Aileen B. Issaquah, WA

  79. I lost my sweet precious Gracie Oct. 30th 2019, she was 16. She past in her sleep at home with me and I am thankful for that. I lost my sweet precious Ruby this past Feb. 25th, 2020, she was 18 and a half. She past away in my arms at home. Losing my precious girls was devastating to say the least. My Ruby and Gracie (both Maltese) can never be replaced in my heart and with that said I am ready to bring a new fur baby into my heart and life. I hope that I am chosen to be an adoptive parent and I look forward to having a new baby in our family and the pitter patter of little paws and the personality of this new baby. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to be a parent again of one of these precious little girls. Janie M. Onalaska, WA

  80. Sally, the checklist was so helpful thank you! It’s been a few years since we have raised a puppy and it’s a good reminder about all the work involved. Given that we’re both working from home full time we know we will have the time and attention needed to devote to raising a new pup in a loving home!
    Ryan & Kim, San Francisco, CA

  81. Hi Sally,
    Thank you so much for the “Ultimate Puppy Checklist”. For first time Baby moms this is really nice to so I know that I have everything I will need. I also appreciate the real talk you are giving on what it is like. I am looking forward to going through the whole process. It is so helpful to know you are also an available resource.
    Galit M, Bend Oregon

  82. After losing our first Maltese, we were heart broken and our home was empty. 10 days later we rescued a Maltese almost 4 years old. I felt breeders were not careful in interviewing new parents. When we lost at the age of 16 our last Maltese in 2015, I didn't speak for two months. It was hard. 2021 and we are ready to again care for a little beautiful Angel.

  83. We lost our Lily (a Maltese) about 7 years ago. She was active up to the day she passed. It took about 2 years before we entertained the idea of another puppy for our son. A lot of responsibility as we well as joy that comes with caring for a little puppy and we look forward to sharing that experience with our daughter now that she is at an age where she will benefit from the joy and responsibility (as well as the bond) of a Maltese. I've already printed out the Ultimate Puppy Checklist us!
    Ann & David M. Tacoma, WA

  84. Dear Sally,

    Having gone through the grieving process several times with several pets over the years does not make it any easier when you lose the next one. It’s even harder if the lost is unexpected and sudden. We have experienced both. With our last little one we had time to process losing her over a period of months before she actually left us, since she had a heart condition and we knew we were going to lose her. We choose to use those last few months to love her and care for her even more. She died peacefully in my loving arms and I know she knew we both were there. It’s what we do for our love ones, whether they are an animal or a person. I didn’t think I would be ready for a new puppy so soon, but I am excited about the baby stage of our new little one. I look forward to training her, watching her as she develops her own little personality, and growing to love her more and more each day.

    Diana & Bill W. Livermore, CA

  85. The Ultimate Puppy Checklist is great and will help us prepare for the arrival and future care of our puppy. We understand that it will be a lot of work but we are ready for another "baby" in our family.
    Julaine F. - Canby, OR

  86. Thank you for adding your checklist. Very good reminder of not only the items, but also what it was like having a brand-new puppy in the house. Knowing others felt the same was as I did after losing a pet was very comforting to hear.
    Enough time has passed that I am ready to embrace a new pet and eager to see what their personality will be like.
    Steph B. - Happy Valley, OR

  87. Thank you for sharing this check list, I have saved a copy of that. It’s good to double check on what exactly we need to be ready to welcome a puppy since this will be our first one.

    Daria K., Seattle, WA

  88. New puppy is just like having a new baby, we all know how ovewhelming it was to learn how to raise a tiny person to be a great adult. It will be hard at first but we just need to be positive and then always be in control of your feelings and all time. Train them to be what is best for you and them Connie H. Corvallis Oregon

  89. I've lost many pets over the years and I remember each and every one of them for the joy I had with them and how my life was enriched from having them in it. After I lost my last maltese after 13 years, I knew I needed to wait so I could be emotionally ready to take on another puppy. It's so true about being ready to make the commitment and being ready for the work of a new baby. It's starting again and the work won't be getting much easier until the new one has grown into being an adult and has learned to mesh into the family and household. Children grow up and leave the house but a puppy is with me for life and I'm looking forward to a lifetime of puppy love - Judi- Reno NV

  90. This is ALL so very true! Love love love the Ultimate Puppy Checklist ... saved and already printed a copy! Thank you so much for sharing all this information! Your wise words are truly appreciated ... more than you know! Ashley Q ~ Lake Oswego, OR

  91. The checklist is great! Would have loved to had a list like this when we had pups before. Raising a dog from a puppy is no small task, but is is a labor of love.

    John & Brenda V

  92. I do understand the grief of losing a pet. I lost one this past Thanksgiving. Though her sibling is still with me she has cancer and won’t be here much longer. They’re both Maltese and I raised them from puppies. The wait for my next little girl will be a good time to properly mourn. Since they had totally opposite personalities I have no expectations for the next one. She’ll just be herself. Thanks to Sally she’ll be the easiest baby.
    Dayton OR

  93. Its been 1.5 years since my 15 year old "Cita" passed. Its time for a new lil fur baby. Michele G Sun City CA

  94. This will be my first fur baby. Thank you for preparing new parents with real expectations. This was an important read!

    Cathy L.
    Seattle, WA

  95. My puppies that have passed will always live in my heart, and there is still room to add more puppy loves. I have a saying posted on my office wall: "Loving adds and multiplies as we divide it with others."
    Thanks Sally for an excellent blog! Tracy D. Vancouver, WA

  96. Check list is great
    Comments were very supportive since we also lost our girl to old age
    Kathy S Central Point or

  97. Thanks Sally. It was good to see the supportive ecosystem. ~Tarun R

  98. I love the checklist definitely learned a few things that I didn't know. All this info is going to be so helpful. I can't wait to start getting ready for my new baby.
    Debbie M. Independence Oregon

  99. This is so on point. I have lost. And 30yrs ago I did just this a got a puppy. I did y see at first how I was cheating this pup, but my dad did. We talked he took the pup and helped with this baby for a few months. I was lucky. This baby still loves me when I was ready. This is so important. To grieve the lost . Thank you Sally
    Donna C. Dallas Or

  100. Sally, great information as always; this list is VERY helpful! We also appreciate the discussion about the grieving process as we have also lost a pet and know the complex level of pain and heartbreak that comes along with it. The grieving process is so important and, for us, it was really important to recognize that we needed time to grieve before we were ready to start the process of getting the new love of our lives from you (:

    Ally & Matt; Seattle, WA

  101. Sally, your checklist is great! It is very thorough and will be so helpful. Everything in your blog has provided so much information on taking care of a new puppy. I will be referring to it all of the time.
    Lisa & Randy, Bend, OR

  102. Thank you Sally for being such a forward thinker. I really very much appreciate the checklist. You make this process so seamless and simple.


  103. Dog grief is sometimes harder than anything other! We have waited 3 years now after losing the last lab we had. It’s now time!

  104. We too have lost a pet this year. It is like losing a child but I know our girls had the very best life and they brought us so much joy, comfort & love.
    We are looking forward to a new puppy with its own personality
    Ruby O
    Springfield, ore

  105. Oh, losing a little one is heartbreaking, but I realize that God only gave us furry friends for a short period of time compared to our lifespans, which only means we have the ability to love numerous fur babies in our lifetime. I have had 2 Maltese pups in the last 16 years and have loved them more that I thought possible, each year of development is to treasure, and share with family and friends. They are all so special.

    Also so very special is the ability to have a contact that is so caring and always available to chat. It helps with the broken heart that to be able to talk to someone who understands, Thank you Sally, I feel I already know you:)

    JUDI H

  106. I fully agree that there has to be a lot of soul searching before entering into the commitment to invite a fur baby into it's new home. I really appreciate the push to review all of the potential ups and down so that there is no second guessing that happens. Each puppy has it's own personality and there is no way to replace one baby with another. I am excited for all of the adventure and experiences that a new baby will bring and the checklist will make sure that I haven't forgotten any needed supplies when I can welcome the little one home. Kailee C. Windermere, BC Canada

  107. Thank you Sally for this piece. It is particularly welcome. Although our previous Maltese was about a year old when he came to us, he was not well cared for – not house trained, anxious, distrustful. So we are no strangers to time, patience, love, and support to help him develop. And we have indeed just lost our little guy. We appreciate your thoughts about not wanting another to fill the void. We have given this careful thought and we are ready for lots of giving, giving, giving on our end. It is the giving that is most meaningful to us – and that is what ultimately supported the deep relationship we had with our sweet guy. Your advice is so welcome. One of us is retired and one of us works from home due to Covid. So we have lots of time to dote, lots of patience, lots of love. And we have no expectations! Just looking forward to seeing what new personality our little guy will develop. Bob and Lisa, Newport, Oregon

  108. This is a beautiful post, and I found it comforting to read through some other comments of folks who have lost their loved ones. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who fell apart! Losing my Jude was absolutely gutting, but I feel like I am whole enough to love a new baby now. Thank you for this sweet, thoughtful post. Elizabeth M., Portland, OR

  109. What a great Ultimate Puppy Checklist. Thank you! I'll also schedule a puppy vet appointment with my vet, so they start a comfortable relationship and also visit our groomer just to familiarize our puppy to a grooming environment. Moe, M. Spokane WA

  110. Jessika D. Plainfield, INAugust 25, 2021 at 10:58 PM

    Sally is so proactively intuitive on matters regarding future parents… I lost my love just over two years ago and had the immediate urge to seek out a new baby. I am so glad I resisted that urge because I couldn’t ever replace my passed baby. It has taken a couple of years, but being ready to bring home a new baby is so critical. Both for myself and for my future babe.

  111. We lost our Molly 8 months ago and I wanted to give us time for grieving and now we are ready to welcome a new puppy into our home.

    Pam S., Woodburn, Oregon

  112. This really helped me I was scared at how the dog will react but reassured me.
    Savani, Beaverton Oregon.

  113. I have lost many beloved dogs in my live. Why can they not live as long a humans. Saying good by is very hard, a depressing. Till you remember you loved them and they loved you. You did everything to keep them healthy and happy. Said I never have another dog but I must. A dog is part of my life, I give them love, they give me laughs and love back.

  114. What a WONDERFUL checklist. I have emailed it to myself to remind me what to do to prepare. Might you have any dog training book suggestions? - Steve R. / Portland, OR

  115. This is a terrific Ultimate Puppy Checklist...! I'll be going thru my saved stash of things I kept. hoping for another Maltybaby in the future...Ready !


  116. This post was just what I needed...can't wait for our NEW "Bundle of Joy" !

  117. WE will have a LOT of reflection and still many memories of our SUGAR going forward ! I know this will be a brand NEW adventure for us with NEW BABY ... a NEW JOYFUL time in our lives. She will give us sooo much joy & LOVE and ours in return...can't wait for the NEW BEGINNING ! SueC Eagle Pt OR

  118. The checklist was a great reminder of all of the necessary items a puppy needs, thank you for posting it. I also appreciate the comments others shared about the challenges of bringing a new member into the family especially after the loss of a special pup. Only you know when you are ready to open your heart again.

    We are excited to meet a new little pup and get to know the individual personality that makes him unique and special in his own right.
    Loni A., Plumas Lake, CA

  119. We did recently lose our Maltese/Poodle mix and although I know I can never replace her I am looking forward to bringing home a new fur baby. I'm pretty sure pup at home would love a friend to cuddle and play with.
    Jackie G

  120. We lost our baby and it was so hard but we will never forget him or replace him. We know puppies can be a handful at times but it will be worth it.


  121. Thank you for insuring us new parents are going into this with our eyes open. This is my first time being a puppy daddy and I am so happy to have found such abundant supply of support in all forms. Sally and all her information and communication, my family and friend's enthusiasm, and the universe allowing me the time and flexibility to care for and get to know my new pup. :)
    Jeffrey G
    Beaverton, OR

  122. Losing a maltese is a pain that doesn't simply go away. I have lost 3 myself and know that each of them brought something different to my life and I am blessed to know that both they and I brought out the best in each other. Adopting another maltese baby won't replace my prior ones but will enrich my life moving forward.

    Jeanne P.
    Hillsboro, OR

  123. I haven't had a puppy in a very long time and am glad that Sally doesn't hide the fact that there are downfalls. I like to have a resource to look back on because I'm sure I've forgotten a few things!

    Tiffany D
    Portland. OR

  124. The checklist is so complete. I see there are many things to have for a small puppy. Losing Buffy was a horrendous event in our lives. I am sure that I can take care of a new baby puppy and have some joy again. Lori C., Dayton, Nevada

  125. This has been very helpful information as I too have lost my maltese too young because of health reasons and really miss her. The insight of things to beware of will help me to navigate the process ahead. So excited to take this journey with my new Angel baby.

    Mary S., Eureka, Montana

  126. Thank you so much for this checklist and also stressing the important of being aware of the effort and time it takes. I have many friends who have just brought home a puppy and thought it would be just fine, but are surprised by the work it takes. - Steph O, Portland, OR

  127. Good reminders … losing a pet is very hard. We hope to love another in the future and look forward to puppyland.

    J & R
    Skagit Valley

  128. Thank you for this insight. All things we would expect bringing a new puppy home, but the details will be extremely helpful. We can refer back to this blog for a reminder

  129. Thank you for the checklist. It is so very helpful.

    I have had maltese puppies before and understand the importance of early training.

    And I have mourned beloved pets before, both dogs and kitties, and while I hold the memory of each and every one of them in my heart, I do not compare them to one another. Each is its own individual.

  130. The checklist is perfect. I will carry it with me while I prepare for a new puppy. We have waited 14 months since saying "Goodbye" to our sweet Lily so as to be certain that we are ready for a new adventure and commitment with a precious fur baby.
    Marcia S. Reno, NV

  131. Glad to have you as a resource.

    Tania A. Beaverton

  132. I’m very excited to love a new baby. Although I just lost Frankie and I really miss him I understand that the new baby will be different from Frankie. Although I feel bad to MoveOn I’m the type of person who always needs a fur baby. The checklist is very helpful.
    Stephanie A orinda ca

  133. OMGosh I love your puppy check list! Perfect resource.
    Rita O Portland, Or

  134. Sally, thank you for posting the puppy check list. We can see that there are several items we need to purchase.
    Erskin and Marilyn S. Tacoma Wa.

  135. Great info and helpful reminders! Everyone wins when sweet new puppies can transition into their new family smoothly and securely! Much like our children, schedule and routine and consistency are so important and helpful to keep everyone happy, healthy and knowing what to expect! We will do our best with our new puppy! - Heather Salvesen

  136. We lost our sweet Libby just after Christmas this year. To say my heart broke as she died in my arms is an understatement. She was only 7 years old and a mere 3lbs. She had fallen off our bed onto the hardwood floor and sustained a head injury that she never recovered from. From then on, I will never again let a small pet as Libby up on our bed for fear of the same thing happening. Libby was our 4th Maltese and each one was different in their own way. We loved each one unconditionally. They have a way of stealing your heart. We have been looking around at different breeds and seem to come back to the Maltese. We are now getting excited about getting our next puppy and look forward to loving her as much as we did the others.
    Colleen T.

  137. From raising Maltese in the past, I have to agree with the check list Sally has put together. Very thorough.
    Colleen T

  138. Your Checklist is great! I pretty much have everything you have on it. Perfect list!
