What To Put In A Doggie Day (Diaper) Bag?

I remember leaving the house with my new little Angel Baby for the first time. Panic set in as I wondered if I had all the things I could possibly need to take care of him till we got back home.  It turned out that even with diligent preparation I was still caught without what my baby needed! One little trip turned into an unexpected day trip that I hadn't prepared for.  Now, I know that it can happen to anyone at anytime. Always carry a well stocked doggy day (diaper) bag when you go away from home with your precious Angel Baby!

I want to help you feel well prepared so let’s get into the complete list of what to pack in a puppy day (diaper) bag.


Sweater - little ones get cold easily & quickly. Also, a snug sweater calms a nervous or unsure one.

Blanket - this can be used for so many ways. Wrap puppy in, cover, put in purse to lift puppy up, etc..

 Heat Pad

Heat source - keep your baby warm with a snugglesafe heat pad that stays warm up to 10 hours without having to be plugged in. Your baby craves heat especially when it's cold outside.

Pee pee pads - your baby will usually be trained to go potty on a pee pee pad on command wherever you put it by the time your pick him up from me. You can even put the pad on your lap. Be sure to keep some in your bag.


Nutra-cal - A high calorie nutritional suppliment used to prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Low blood sugar is caused by using more energy than puppy has (playing too hard, or too long), not eating when food is needed, high stress situation or anything that causes baby to use up energy quickly. It's good to have several tubes of this in varying places.  I use it on my adults too. Sometimes that won't eat or can't eat and need nutrition.  This is what I turn to. It's thick and comes out of the tube like toothpaste.  Put a ribbon on your index finger, open their mouth and quickly put it on the top of their mouth.  They will eat it cuz it tastes good!

Bottle of vanilla Ensure - I have found Ensure to be a lifesaver so many times.  It's an easy, quick meal on the go and they love it. I always keep Ensure on hand!

Brush/comb - ya never know when a photo op will present itself. :)

Kibble - a sandwich bag with some hard kibble is a great treat on the go.

Bowl for water/kibble - I use bottled water. Make sure you always have some available for your little one all the time.

Bottle of water - see above

Dog Treats - if you have a special treat for your baby be sure to have some in the bag.

Chew toy/pig ear - prevent teething while on the go by having something "legal" for him/her to chew on.

Dog Toy - ya, they love to play anywhere.  You'd be surprised how many times for play come up on a simple outing.

Wet paper towel in sandwich bag - This is needed for many reasons, either for them or you.

Leash - be sure your puppy is always leashed when out.  Never forget how many people would love to literally snatch your baby right out of your arms! Keep him tethered to you.

Large & small plastic bags for potty disposal - I keep a few bags to pick up potty messes and a bigger one to throw trash into.

Hand sanitizer - germs are everywhere!

Hand lotion - sanitizer can be rough on hands.

Snacks - keep a pick me up snack in there for you.  What good is anything if you run out of gas?

By being prepared I am also able to save money.  I have what I need for my little one when we are away from the house or caught out for an extended period of time.  A new puppy is much like a new baby.  It is always a great idea to be prepared!

Are Diaper Bags Necessary?

Short answer is yes. Consider it your new mom purse. Unless you plan on carrying all of the non negotiable items I mentioned earlier in your bare hands, you will need a way to transport it all. Life is going to throw a lot your way when it comes to outings with your baby. Now that you're all prepared, go and make sweet memories without worries! 


  1. Sally, For some reason this site popped up in my emails! Don’t know how or why? Sure don’t remember clicking on this when reading through ALL your blogs! Is this information new? At any rate so enjoyed it. Perhaps there is some force that keeps drawing me back......I am on it so much. If it isn't new........ don’t know how I could have missed it. At any rate, kinda like finding a “sequel” to you favorite book! Is there anything you don’t think of? Thank you again for all you wonderful ideas, and for caring so much.
    Joyce Miller, Ashland

  2. Sally, I'm SO glad you made a post about this--I love it! You know I carried my "diaper bag" around with me for such a long time when Tigh was a baby, and now that he's a year old, I'm doing it again with Esprit!--although I have a little more confidence that I know what I'm doing now :P

    There's a backpack by Kurgo (Amazon) that's made specifically for carrying your baby and supplies for adventures--I wouldn't use it for a brand new baby, but once they get a little older and have some experience, it looks great for adventure excursions. I'll be adding it to our supplies in short time--our current backpack is just not cutting it anymore!

    Sometimes I carry a couple extra things since we do so many adventures together (Tigh will be starting CGC soon as well as agility!)...I thought I'd share those things in case someone else has adventure babies too!

    --Waterless-foaming soap, because poo-butt and muddy paws happen: my favorite is Nature's Specialties Plum-Crazy Foaming Facial Wash (Amazon)--it really is a must have for day trips or longer (our trainer/behaviorist recommended it and I LOVE it for our two Angel Babies!)
    --Booties: in case it's cold/wet/muddy
    --Raincoat (let's face it though, these babies are too precious to be out in the wet and mud for very long, even if Esprit loves getting dirty!)
    --Blinky light (like the kind you put on a bicycle)--A suggestion from Dr. Keith to help keep predator birds away. I just attach it to the back of the harness.
    --Extra hair bands/bows--You know baby girl paws them out of her hair and loses them right when you need her to look her cutest!
    --Tiny travel comb or brush: it's nice to have these during peaceful, happy moments on your lap to help them associate grooming with positive feelings.
    --A long line (long leash) for when you're in a *very* safe place and can let your Angel Baby run and play, or teaching them recall etc.
    --A couple extra clips (like small carabiners): they always come in handy for something.

    All the best to you and the Angel Baby family!
    -CD, EP, Tigh & Esprit in Mapleton <3

  3. This is what I did for our Riley. So important, just as it was for our human babies. Always be prepared.

  4. Great information and tips. We'll be building our doggy diaper bag for the ride home as well as any outings we take our litle angel on.
    Ann & David M. Tacoma, WA

  5. Hi Sally,

    Again we love all the items you suggest to help us be better parents. We had never heard of SnuggleSafe microwave heatpad, Nutra-cal, or having a Diaper Bag for a puppy. Three more items we are definitely getting. We were concern about riding in a car for 12 hours to get home after we pick up our Angel Baby. Your blog gives us some answers. Thank you.

    Diana & Bill W. Livermore, CA

  6. Another great list! All of these items will be very helpful when we travel with our Angel Baby.
    Julaine F. - Canby, OR

  7. I had never used a doggy diaper bag before, but after reading the comments it makes really good sense. Even if I don't have it in the car I have all the items needed in one place. I had not thought about waterless foaming soap. What a great idea!
    Thank you,
    Steph - Happy Valley, OR

  8. Sally, thank you very much for organizing such exhaustive list of necessary items. We expect all of them to be handy at any given moment. My husband told me that he might borrow SnuggleSafe microwave heatpad from our puppy from time to time. We are starting to build our own bag.

    Daria K. Seattle, WA

  9. Sally thank you for this information, having all this on hand will make every puppy mom very happy and short on long trips. Connie H., Corvallis, Oregon

  10. I remember with my past babies, my car always had a bottle of water, a small stainless bowel and puppy pads and bags for such emergencies - a to go diaper bag is a great idea - I even have a diaper bag I used with grandkids that will now be repurposed for this! Judi - Reno, NV

  11. This puppy day (diaper) bag is the best thing ever! What a wonderful idea! Another great list of things to have! Having all this on hand will definitely make life so much easier when it is time to leave the house with our new baby! I don’t think I can possibly thank you enough for all your wonderful ideas and extremely informative, helpful suggestions! Ashley Q ~ Lake Oswego, OR

  12. While I always pack a "Britney Bag" when I leave the house, I really like the idea of a pre-packed bag, ready to go that includes items I might need in addition to food, water and a travel bowl that I always bring with me.
    This will be less stressful when I'm ready to run out the door if I have pre-packed items that I don't have to think about if I am in a hurry.
    WOW-- just when I thought you couldn't possibly have any additional suggestions, you come through with another great plan. Thank You Sally. :-)

    Robyn L.
    Cathedral City, CA

  13. Travel tips are great because we are able to take our pup along in our retirement and chose a small breed specifically for this purpose. I like the backpack idea, this is going to e soo much fun.

    John & Brenda V

  14. I believe in the diaper bag. Even as adults I always had a bag in the car with necessities. Can’t go wrong.
    Dayton OR

  15. Great info. Definitely will be my go to check list. Michele G Sun City CA

  16. Gotta be prepared wherever I go! This set seems pretty foolproof. If you carry a purse for your own essential items, then it makes perfect sense to have a day bag for your fur baby too.

    Cathy L
    Seattle, WA

  17. Excellent info! I always like to be prepared for all contingencies, this checklist sounds spot on. Thank you Sally for the effort you put in to be so thorough. Tracy D. Vancouver, WA

  18. Great ideas to organize everything
    Kathy S Central Point

  19. Thanks Sally, we have quite few items in place for the organization and comfortable with it. ~ Tarun R, Palo Alto, CA

  20. I love the idea that all stuff we need for day trips or longer is contained in a diaper bag
    Debbie M. Independence ore

  21. I can’t wait to get all shots and things done so we can go on our daily walks if baby is ready. (Ok I walk ).
    Donna C. Dallas Or

  22. We have already started selecting some of these items and are eagerly looking forward to taking our new pup on exciting adventurous. Knowing how to plan ahead and making sure that the puppy has everything they need is very important - thank you for providing this information as it is easy to forget all of the necessary items!

    Ally & Matt; Seattle, WA

  23. I love this! These are great ideas. Once it is safe to do so, I will be taking my puppy with me on most of my excursions. These items will be necessary for a successful outing with our puppy.
    Lisa & Randy T, Bend, OR

  24. I know these items will all come in handy. I really love the puppy backpack,so cool..


  25. I love my puppy bag, goes every where with me, I’ll have to add some vanilla endure,
    Ruby O
    Springfield Ore

  26. Oh the bag.. I have one and used it daily.. Also bought a Pack-it foldable cooler (much like a lunch sack) I store it in the freezer and when I travel it keeps their food fresh. Love this site.. thank you for having me participate. JUDI H

  27. With how long of a journey it's going to be to bring my new fur baby home I have been thinking that I will need a bag like this prepared but couldn't even start to think of all of the things I would need with me. You have made a handy list that I'm sure I will be printing out and putting on my door so that I know that I will always be prepared. Kailee C. Windermere, BC, Canada

  28. Lots of these things are what we traveled with when we left home with our little guy. The Nutra-cal and vanilla Ensure are new to us – what great ideas! I’m intrigued by the pig ears and welcome this suggestion. We learned to be fearful of rawhide early on with our little Maltese and never gave these to him. It’s helpful to know that pig ears are safe! Bob and Lisa, Newport, Oregon

  29. This list is going to come in handy, for sure! I plan on taking my baby to visit my parents from time to time, and now I know I'll be completely prepared. So helpful! Elizabeth M, Portland, OR

  30. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought of a doggy diaper bag or back pack.... AWESOME ideas. More to add to my "list" thank you! Moe. M Spokane WA

  31. Jessika D. Plainfield, INAugust 26, 2021 at 1:36 PM

    This list is so comprehensive! Definitely makes me feel more confident about being prepared for various situations on outings. Also, comments left by other parents are so helpful on this post! Thank you everyone!

  32. I love the diaper bag idea. I can see I will be reading this post several times so I don't forget anything.

    Pam S. Woodburn, Oregon

  33. I was worried about how will I go on road trips but... I found this 😍😍😍
    Savani, Beaverton Oregon.

  34. I don't travel, however if I did I would pack a great bag, for whom I will call "Neddie". Prior dogs all had back to go when I traveled.
    I would have a go back, in case of disaster, and we had to leave ASAP.

  35. Wow. What a great idea. While I have a car, I often take the Max. It would be great to have these items if I ever needed them. Absolutely a must have. -Steve R / Portland, OR

  36. Love your list to-go bag you add some things I never thought of ! I had a big purse for our Sugar it came in very handy in a hurry ! Thank you for these additions !

  37. We had day and overnight bags for our SUGAR ... thank you for thinking of MORE items to pack !!! Mike always thought it was like having our REAL baby girl filling up the car !!! SueC Eagle Pt OR

  38. Hi Sally, I always keep a "to go" bag in the car but you have suggested a couple of items more. Plus, I really like the idea of keeping everything in a cute bag instead of a little box in my trunk. Thank you.
    Loni A., Plumas Lake, CA

  39. Such a fabulous post! It's been quite a while since I had a baby so this information will get me started on the right track with a tiny one. Other dogs I had have been rescues so older with different needs than a baby. Occasions do arise that I'm out longer than expected so having the "go" bag will be a must. Many thanks for sharing this information.
    Glenna C., Tualatin, OR

  40. Sally, again such great information. My list keeps getting longer and I'm loving it. My fur baby that I already have has somewhat of a diaper bag but nothing like this!! You have once again thought of everything.
    Jackie G

  41. I can’t wait to set up a diaper bag. Very smart, we are about 4 hours away from our puppy so good to have all these things on hand just in case.

  42. This is one of my favorite articles because I hope very much from my puppy to go with me nearly daily. I already have a backpack full of things for myself that I take everywhere. It doesn't matter if i'm going across the country or just a few blocks away; I take it everywhere. And it comes in handy more than anyone would think. This list is a great place to start in building a bag for my new pup to come with me. :) "Oh! The Places We'll Go" :)

  43. Great list for new parents! I especially like the idea of the snugglesafe heat pad. Baby maltese's body temp is much higher than their human parents. Would like to purchase more than one.

  44. This is fantastic! I have been caught off guard before and it can ruin a whole outing! I'm glad to have this "checklist" of sorts to help prepare me!

    Tiffany Dallas
    Portland, OR

  45. I won't be taking her out much but if I do....I have a darling baby bag. Thank you for all the information...it is great to know these things for the puppy.
    Lori C., Dayton, Nevada

  46. Can't wait to put my doggie bag together. That is such a good idea and will be much appreciated when needed. You have done so much work putting together all the important information we will need and don't even realize. Thanks so much.

    Mary S., Eureka, Montana

  47. This is one of the reasons I want a dog, to have a little buddy to go with places, and this information will make the experience the most comfortable for everyone! I can't tell you how clueless I was before I started reading this blog. I can't imagine all of the people out there who have dogs and had to learn this info the hard way. -Steph O., Portland OR

  48. Buddy had a bag with his necessities! Great things here. The video in the middle… do all Malteses do the “please please” with their paws? Buddy used to do that , so cute!

    Skagit Valley WA

  49. A doggies diaper bag… I never would have even thought of this. “Quick” outings don’t always work out to be “quick”. Having a bag packed and ready with all that is needed, is genius!

  50. Thank you for taking your time and effort in putting these post together! Never thought i would encounter a breeder so involved!


  51. January 11, 2022

    Great information and tips. I have never used a doggy diaper bag before but it makes good since. Its on my list.

    Dorothy J.

    Keizer, OR

  52. I have never used a doggy diaper bag, but it will. It is a great idea.

  53. I love your doggy diaper bag! I have made one like this in the past, but definitely not as thought out as you have done. Thank you for upping my education and challenging me to be prepared. I will be looking to see if I can find the brown and pink one you have in the picture.
    Lori M. Gearhart, OR

  54. We travelled a lot, by car and by plane with our little Lily. I always carried a doggie bag for her with essentials. Your list is even better! It is such a comfort to have everything you might need to keep your puppy safe and happy. People tease about treating your puppy like your baby ~ but we all know that they are!
    Marcia S. Reno, NV

  55. I think the diaper bag is brilliant, especially for the car! We will be the most well prepared puppy parents EVER!!!

    Thank you Sally!

    Kiran R- Seattle

  56. Great travel tips. The bag will come in handy for all our adventures together.

    Tania A. Beaverton


  57. Good idea of a doggy diaper bag is great. I have a huge purse that will work perfectly also good to know about the high calorie food to keep on hand at all times even a tube in the car
    Stephanie A Orinda ca

  58. Love the diaper bag idea! We used to also have a doggy first aid kit!
    Rita O Portland OR

  59. What a great list. We will have our diaper bag ready for her trip home.
    Erskin and Marilyn S Tacoma Wa.

  60. Totally need a diaper baby...easy to get up and go and have everything ready.

    Marla M. Maple Valley, WA

  61. This is so great Sally! I have a perfect diaper bag that our youngest child no longer requires so it will be put back to good use for our puppy! Thank you! - Heather Salvesen

  62. Again… genius!!! I would have never thought to put together a doggy diaper bag. At 57 I feel like a first time mommy! Maybe I should throw myself a baby shower. 🤣
    Renee T. Anderson CA.

  63. I've always carried a doggie travel bag. But Sally's ideas are so helpful with things I haven't thought of. I will be updating my bag. It's so very useful when taking the little one. And I want to take my little one with me everywhere I can.
    Sharon D., Chehalis, WA

  64. Sally, thank you for providing all this information for us. I found all of it so important in helping me with my angel baby. I liked the extra items others
    have found useful and posted them in your blog. I will be revisiting your blog as I
    have a question. I appreciate all the extra time and work you have put into this.
    Peggy B Oregon City, OR

  65. Our children will be envious...our doggie diaper bag will be better than our grandbabies diaper bags :)
    Scott and Bonnie
    Damascus, OR

  66. How clever. I am going to make one right away. I am a sewer and want to try to make one that will hold everything, including my furry baby boy! Sally, thank you so much. You have made me so so so happy.
    Debra B.

  67. A comprehensive list of the stuff I’d be bound to forget without a list. This will make shipping much easier.

    Koltin C. Portland, OR

  68. Diaper bags are a must for us. We have a travel trailer and we used one for our former baby. She had all of her favorite things when we traveled. I highly recommend this. I did not know about the ensure good tip!
    Ellen & Rich
    Marysville, WA

  69. What great ideas for keeping our puppy safe and happy as we travel with her. Being prepared will make everyone happier!
    JoDee S

  70. We're no stranger to doggy diaper bags, but I hadn't heard of the snugglesafe before today - what a great addition for travel. We're probably going to get one for our 9yo Maltese - he loooves warm things. Looking forward to assembling our diaper bag for our new girl

    Kasia B Portland OR

  71. We are overwhelmed by all the information Sally put on this blog in order to be sure her babies are provided with the best of care. Her ideas of placing her babies by preparing parents ahead of time is amazing. We have purchased puppies in the past through what we believed were good breeders but never received this kind of personal hands-on care. We truly appreciate the personal phone conversations not only with Sally but also with people that have purchased puppies from her. Each of them assuring us that the transition from Sally's to their home was flawless. We look forward to a long relationship with Sally and Steve not only as the grandparents of our baby but as personal friends. Thank you, Sally, for all your work providing the opportunity to welcome a precious baby into our family again. Blessings.
    Raymond & Jo-Ann, Lynden, WA

  72. What a great idea! So many things I wouldn’t have thought to put in a doggie bag. Our dogs go most places we go, so this is very helpful. Thank you for all you do to help make your puppies lives wonderful.

    Chris M Clackamas, OR

  73. This was great information! Since we will be flying home with our new puppy I have been thinking about what Iwill need to have with me. I love the heat packs idea because I would not want my pup to be cold. I
    Thank you so much for this information.

  74. In past I have traveled with my babies and have special bags. As matter of fact I care more about them then myself. Once again Sally has provided a list that’s more detailed than mine and more organized. So I’ve not used a diaper bag before, and I will now because of all the compartments. It really is perfect and glad Sally sets us proud parents up so well. JoAnne K Bend Oregon

  75. This is an excellent idea, everything in one place and easily accessible. This will be tops on my list. Jo Ann. Issaquah, WA

  76. I wish I had this list with our first puppy! Some of this I learned that I needed because I didn't have it. Some of it I never thought of but will add because it makes so much sense. Thank you! Sandra K., Spanaway, WA

  77. Stefanie W, La center, waJuly 2, 2022 at 9:38 PM

    I STILL carry a diaper bag for everyone!

  78. Thank you for providing information on the diaper bag I definitely going to make one

  79. As a dog mom you have to be prepared for everything! I always have a bag ready and love bringing a towel and wipes with me as well.

  80. The doggie bag is a great idea then you have everything all together when you go any where

  81. I love this idea! Great planning!
    Jewlz M, Albany, OR

  82. I was not aware of all that is needed bit I'm on it 100 percent now.

  83. Sally, organization is the key to successful and healthy baby.

  84. Great tips, will make going out with my pup such a breeze

    Noah R

  85. Smart post Sally! people can use this as a checklist for when they go out with their babies
    ~Nani B
    Portland OR

  86. Diaper bags are essential. I always carried my dog in one plus little items for him. Marie R.

  87. How did I raise two Malteses and never know about Nutra-Cal or Ensure?? As I was reading this, I was envisioning a bag I already have that would be perfect for a doggie bag. Thank you for all your wonderfully helpful ideas! Sally, you are very much appreciated!
    -Jessica G
    Kansas City, MO

  88. This was extremely helpful. Something we should all do. It’s like packing your personal backpack and one for your very best friend

  89. Cindy S. - Camas, WA
    I have always had what I needed when I have taken prior dogs out including a travel water bottle/bowl combination (Amazon) that I’m not sure was listed here but I never considered having it all in a bag to go unless we were traveling. I will definitely add this to my shopping list. I would also suggest that a stroller made especially for pets is also a great addition (Petco). No the puppy will never weigh that much but the stroller makes moving through airports so easy and they let you check it at the airplane door like any other stroller.

  90. We plan to take to take our pup with where ever we go. This list will help us to be prepared for outings. Nancy G.. Fairview, OR

  91. Thanks Sally for letting us know about the little extras that would go in a doggie diaper bag, I can’t wait to shop for one on Amazon!

    Barbara N.
    Maple Valley, WA

  92. Never would have thought of all these tips and tricks. Thanks for taking the guesswork out of it for us!
    Molly C., Portland, Or.

  93. Your blog was so helpful that Im sure we will get it all. This is so very helpful and I can hard wait.
    Sally , we are so impressed with all you do and all the work you have done already to make everything easier for the new parents. It is very much appreciated .

  94. Great ideas! Will be sure to get this ready as well
    John and Kalen, Salem, Oregon

  95. Love this post as well very meaningful informative and concise! Thank YOU Sally!!

  96. Karylinn E, Gresham, OregonMarch 10, 2023 at 3:07 PM

    Takes me back to when my daughter was a baby. I learned the hard way about the importance of a diaper bag. I was much better prepared for my grandson! Now, I can be good to go for our puppy.

  97. Sally’s humor and brilliance in helping me plan a doggy bag further reinforces her legacy in gifting every parent of her Angel pups with generosity and sheer fun! Now I know a bit more about how to prepare in my future first hello for my baby with continual guidance from Sally.
    Immanuel I
    Medford, OR

  98. Great ideas here. I will be definitely be getting this ready.
    Mary J., Eugene, OR

  99. Connie S., Bellingham, WA. April 14, 2023
    Sally, thank you for your thorough list for my baby’s diaper bag. I will prepare this bag to take to your home in Salem, OR since the return trip will take about 5 hours. I plan to keep this list in the bag so I can easily replenish items.

  100. This list is super helpful for what could be a long first trip home. A pee pad trained puppy is a game changer too. Sally - you have thought of everything! It’s amazing how you take into consideration not just the baby but the parent(s) to ensure a beautiful life for everyone.

  101. Love the idea for the puppy diaper bag. Makes total sense.
    Colleen T

  102. This blog was so helpful. After having a Maltese for 18 years, the one thing I would add to this list is to have some baby wipes (no bleach, non toxic and gentle) on hand as well as sometimes being out in a new situation causes a bit of diarrhea and it is helpful to clean off their little butts in a pinch — and for hands too. I love this idea of having it pre-packed as one of the other commenters had said, I used to pack it as needed, but having it ready to go is so much less stressful, particularly if you are being spontaneous and just want to run out last minute and enjoy a beautiful day! Thank you. Jane O

  103. Because Maltese are small, they compel me to protect and provide for them. They're undeniable cuteness also motivates me to be prepared. I can tell I will be rewarded with love and affection as a result of good care.

    Chris, Salem

  104. This list reminds me of prepping for kids summer camps! Again, thank you for all you do to help others be prepared and care for their puppies. RL, JL & SG

  105. It is def important to have a bag with everything he or she needs when they are out and about. I have a stroller that I carried my baby in. Helps with bringing them into places that wouldn’t normally allow pets.

  106. Yay, another list! This is so helpful, Sally. I will be so prepared for this little baby.

  107. All these ideas great. Some many things we never would have thought of for a doggie bag. Thank you for information.

  108. This is really helpful. Again, these lists are thorough and I appreciate that. You have thought of everything to ensure success. I'll definitely want a stocked bag ready for when we are on the go and I'll refer to this list when it is time to get mine ready! Thanks again. Victoria Portland, OR

  109. This article is extremely helpful! We are always running around packing what we think we need and left missing something. Ok, the wet paper towel is genius! So simply and yet didn't occur to us. Also the ensure? We had no idea that they could have it in a pinch... Thank you again for these wonderful and informative articles to get us starting off on the right footing! Sharon and Shaun Buffalo Grove, IL

  110. Now I will have a Togo bag for myself and my puppy / travel partner

  111. Such great ideas to keep everything organized. We are excited to have this cute to go bag for our new Angel Baby. Thank you Maile & Joe Tacoma, WA

  112. Lou G.
    I will definitely have to have one cense I'm taking my Angel baby with me everywhere! Thank you for the information

  113. I will love putting this together❤️
    Jennifer F Eugene, Oregon

  114. After reading about all the things needed when leaving the house, I don’t know how you could get away without taking a diaper bag or back-pack. There are so many small supplies needed and necessary but having a condensed list of all that may be required, definitely does help.
    Steve and Debbie S, Stevenson, WA

  115. This is good info! We use a travel bag filled with doggy goodies. Then,when we get to our location, it's repurposed back to a pet carrier for day trips!

    Lorri D, Washington

  116. The doggie day care bag is such a good idea. I love that we can be packed and ready to go on an adventure at all times. Edie G. Wilsonville OR.

  117. Great info. We already do this with our little one.

  118. We have been packing a doggie bag for years LOL, one item caught our attention, ENSURE great idea! one we will add to our bag.

    Debi S., Woodburn Oregon

  119. Such beneficial information. I love that I will feel prepared whenever we have to leave the house. You have thought of everything and I am adding it all to my list. Thank you so much Sally for your well thought out ideas.
    Kim G., Fairfield, CA

  120. Reminds me of babies all stuff needed for (Lucy) my new baby Anna St Helens Or

  121. Looking forward to putting together a well equipped doggy travel bag. Thanks for the list! Janet M., Orlando, FL

  122. YES! This is amazing! I seriously and going crazy thinking about my baby diaper bag! Another list worth gold. TY. Debbie N. Grants Pass, OR

  123. This is great! I have a travel bag similar to this from my sweet boy that just passed. Now I'll know what to put in it for our outings!

  124. Lots of good ideas of what to keep in the travel bag. I am glad that this information is being shared so I can be prepared. Kristine, W. Wilsonville, OR
