The first week for the two of you will be exhilarating,
certainly and can be unnerving. Many unexpected things come up and you may not
know what to do. Advance planning can make the transition easier for both of
you. Remember, I am always a phone call away.
Before your angel baby arrives:
1. Have a family pow-wow.
Decide who is going to be the primary caretaker. The puppy
has to have consistency and must attach as quickly as possible to someone in
their new home. Remember, he/she just left their Mom and breeder. Those ties
are now gone. Who will the baby cling to?
Also, hammer out the house rules ahead of time (will the dog be allowed
on the bed? On the couch? Where will the dog sleep? Are any rooms of the house
permanently off-limits?). Your new baby will feel/sense the tension in the air
if things don’t go smoothly. This can affect him or her long term.
2. Stock up on the right supplies.
Buy some of the basics ahead of time, so you both and your
dog can settle in without too many mad dashes to the store. Here’s what you’ll
Your tiny puppy will be unable to hold his body heat. It is very important that you be aware of drafts, cold wind coming in from an outside door opening, the puppy running near the door or even outside. A nice warm sweater will keep him warm and cozy until he is older and able to keep himself warm. At this age, he will need a size extra small.
A harness and leash are important items to have but your baby is far too little for that at this time. When you do buy a harness be sure never to put anything around his neck!! These dogs are prone to collapsed trachea! Never pull on anything near it's neck.
4. Pen/ Crates and Containment
Your angel baby was in a pen before you took her home. You can find many nice pens on Amazon to suite your needs. It's a must have for any puppy owner. A containment device keeps your new baby in a confined area where you can monitor and house train him.
You will need a dog pen, crate (I do not recommend for daily use!!) or carrier, and an exercise pen, playpen, or gate
when you bring your pup home.
If you get a pen that doesn't have a bottom you can measure the pen size, add an inch or 2 to each side and then go to Home Depot where they will cut a piece of white tile board to fit. To keep the pen from sliding off the board get some putty and put it on the 4 corners then push the pen onto it. I use earthquake putty but I suppose any putty will work (unless it dries out).
Hard-sided pens, crates and travel carriers are made from a
variety of materials, including stainless steel, plastic, and fiberglass.
Though the stainless steel crates will last a lifetime, the lightweight plastic
and fiberglass varieties provide a measure of safety and security for your
puppy while driving or flying. They also replicate a cozy, warm den especially when you outfit it with a soft bed or blanket.
When choosing a pen, crate or carrier, make sure that your pup
can stand up, lie down, turn around, and stretch inside. Though dogs prefer to
have a close-in den-like space, they also need room to
feel comfortable.
If you are unable to keep a watchful eye on your puppy, you
may also wish to purchase a pen or some baby gates to keep him corralled.
Exercise pens are a set of portable wire panels that confine your pup to a
specific area. You can adjust them to fit just about any space. Baby gates,
which are used to cordon off restricted areas, prevent him from roaming where
he shouldn’t.
5. Dog bed
The first night your puppy comes home, she’ll need a comfy
bed to lay her head. Be sure to have lots of stuffed animals for him to cuddle with. Remember, he has just left his litter mates. They played and cuddled all the time. They love to snuggle into something in order to go to sleep.
If your pup tends to chew on her bedding and ingest some of
the foam or stuffing, remove it from her crate or take it away from her to
prevent possible intestinal blockage. Offer her a blanket or towel to sleep on
until she gets over her chewing phase. Keep chew toys handy such as pig ears that are easy for them to pull around and thin enough to chew on.
6. Food and water bowls
At the time you take your puppy home she will be used to eating her food from a saucer. I recommend that you continue this until she is eating well at home. Your puppy may still be eating ground kibble or soaked pieces or may be eating hard pieces. I will tell you what they are eating when you come to pick her up. I will also send home a weeks supply of food at this time.
Although it is common for a new puppy not to eat as usual for the first couple of days it sets up a serious problem that could arise, hypoglycemia!. Although the puppy may be eating, their energy requirements are higher as they are mourning the loss of their mother and their litter mates. They are also stressed due to a new environment. Watch them closely! Small puppies are prone to hypoglycemia which is a drop in blood sugar that can be fatal! If you see that she is listless, loss of energy or sleeping more than usual, act fast and immediately give her some Nutrical (always keep this on hand and with you). Make sure your baby is eating to keep her energy level up. For this reason, do not leave the puppy alone for longer than 4 hours at a time.
Your puppy will need food and water bowls when he comes
home, and there are many varieties available. You can choose ceramic or stainless steel dishes, plastic crocks,or glass bowls. Keep them clean as bacteria thrive in their dishes. Keep plenty of fresh water in her pen at all times.
Feed your Maltese pup four times per day. Divide his daily calories by the amount of feedings you give him to determine his portions. For example, a Maltese fed 400 calories per day would get 100 calories per feeding if fed four times each day. Frequent feedings are important for a Maltese because this breed tends to suffer from hypoglycemia, especially during the first three months of life. Feedings throughout the day help to maintain your pup's blood glucose level. If you notice your little one developing signs of low blood sugar, such as loss of appetite, weakness, lethargy or seizures, rub some corn syrup on his gums or give him some Nutracal on your finger from the tube to stabilize him. I keep some of this in my purse and in the car all the time.
Ceramic dishware and glass bowls can be heavy so they likely
won’t become toys, but they can be expensive If you buy
ceramic, make sure it’s dishwasher safe and lead-free.
She may be small, but your pup will have a big appetite and
big calorie demands to give her body the energy to develop healthy bones,
organs, skin, and coat. As a result, for the first 12 months of your pup’s
life, you will feed her a diet created just for her demanding energy and
nutritional needs.
These special diets are referred to as diets that are
formulated for puppies or for “growth and development.” Food makers understand
that puppies have specific needs, so they incorporate those nutritional
requirements the right blend of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and
minerals into their special puppy blends. Veterinary nutritionists note that
puppies must have these specific ingredients in their diets to develop into
healthy adults.
For the above reasons, I recommend Wellness Small Breed Puppy. It has natural ingredients plus super nutrients for small puppies.
If you plan to eventually feed your puppy a raw diet and need information please discuss with your vet. I have no knowledge in this area.
8. Grooming supplies
Even though he’s still young, your puppy will need to be
groomed and learn how to behave during the process. His coat will need regular
washing, combing and brushing. He’ll also need his toenails trimmed, his ears
cleaned, and his teeth brushed. To be prepared for the grooming routine as soon
as he comes home, have these grooming supplies ready and understand how to
properly use them:
Blow dryer
Bristle brush
Conditioning spray
Cotton balls
Ear cleaning solution
Grooming table or grooming area
Nail clippers
Shampoo and conditioner
Slicker brush
Styptic powder
Toothbrush and dog toothpaste
Store the above items in a plastic tote or container for
easy access.
Keep the hair trimmed away from their eyes to prevent staining. Babies will drain a clear fluid sometimes due to teething. That will stop once teething has ceased. Check with your vet if you are having any problems in this area.
9. Identification
Your puppy will require some identification. While there are
two options identification (ID) tags and microchips it is a good idea to use
them both. These are usually given at around 4 to 6 months of age. Check with your vet.
An ID tag, which is a plastic or metal medallion that hangs
from your pup’s collar, lists specific contact information that will reunite
you with your dog should she run off. Some people include the dog’s name and
their name, phone number, and address; others, for safety reasons, list only
their name and phone number with no information about the dog. At the very
least, list your name and the best way to contact you, whether it’s a cell
phone, office phone, or home phone.
A microchip is a rice-sized device that contains a code that
is stored in a database with your contact information. Your veterinarian
injects the chip between your dog’s shoulder blades, and when your dog is
found, a staff member at the shelter uses a handheld scanner to read the code
in the microchip. The code is then entered into the database, which tells the
shelter your name and phone number, so you and your dog can be reunited.
Remember to take the time to register your contact information and keep it up
to date.
10. Toys
I highly recommend that you get big stuffed animal for your angel baby
to cuddle with. I have many of them here that they are used to. It helps them
with the transition away from their Mom. Others have told me how comforting it
was and still is for their little one. Toys can be categorized into chew toys
that satisfy the need to gnaw (I highly recommend pig ears for teething), like
hard-rubber toys; plush toys, like stuffed animals, that provide comfort to dogs;
fetching toys, like balls and flying discs; rope and tug toys, which help to
floss teeth while the pup plays; and critical thinking toys, like
treat-dispensing devices, that release goodies when the pup performs a certain
Despite all the toy choices at your local pet store, you
should only offer your puppy strong, durable, well-made toys that are sized
appropriately for him. If your puppy does destroy a toy (and he probably
will!), remove the damaged toy immediately. Exposed squeakers can be dangerous,
as are stuffing, frayed rope toy strands, and small torn-off pieces that can be
Purchase these products before your puppy comes home and set
them up in advance mostly because you’ll be too busy playing with him! With
these items in hand, you’ll be well-prepared to welcome your puppy to his new
forever home.
11. Prepare your house.
This requires a little more work if you’re getting a puppy,
since they can be champion chewers and have a knack for getting into things
they shouldn’t. But no matter what your dog’s size, you’ll want to do some
organizing ahead of time.
Create a temporary, gated-off living space for your baby,
where she can’t damage your belongings or eat something that will make her
sick. She’ll stay in this area whenever you’re not with her to prevent her from
having house training accidents.
Pick a room that’s a center of activity in your household,
so your dog won’t feel isolated, and be sure it’s one with easy-to-clean
floors. The kitchen is often a good choice; you can block it off with baby
gates if needed. Make sure you remove anything that you don’t want chewed on or
What’s in your dog’s area will vary a bit depending on her size
and how you’re house training.
Puppy-proof to make sure anything that could hurt your
dog–medicines, chemicals, certain plants are out of reach.
12. House Training
Ideally, you can take a few days to a week off work to get
your new dog or puppy settled in and to continue house training. Your puppy
will be trained to go potty on pee pee pads by the time you pick him/her up
from the breeder. Be sure to have some pee pee pads on hand. Half of their bed should be a
sleeping/play area while the other half should be a pee pee pad for going
13. Plan the trip home
Find a helper to come along when you go to pick up your dog.
Young puppies who’ve never been on a car ride before may get rattled and
frightened. You don’t want a bad experience to be the first experience they have with
you! A terror-filled car ride can turn
into a long-lasting phobia of car travel. Ask someone to hold the baby on the
ride home, soothing him. Your baby will be about 2 lbs. Such a tiny one needs
to be in your arms, safe and warm!
If that's not possible, you might want to get a dog carrier. They come in all different types and sizes. The important thing is to keep the baby close to you. Here is a link to some you might want to look through Dog Carriers
Here are some ideas:
I highly discourage putting a tiny puppy in a crate while traveling. This could be emotionally damaging to the puppy who has had much love and attention up to this point. It seems impersonal, cold and distant for the puppy from it's new owner who he will now totally depend on. This is my opinion and I am not comfortable with this option for any of my angel babies.
Once your angel baby is home
See this video of a puppy's first time in her pen
Keep it pleasant but low-key at first.
For a shy puppy or dog, being taken to a new place and then
deluged with lots of loud, lively strangers can be really overwhelming. The
first day or two, keep the mood mellow and calm.
All animals need to have their own space. His/her pen is theirs where they can be and sleep without fear. Introduce her to her new space
by using toys or treats and lots of love. They will soon go to it on their own.
14. Start your training.
The earlier you start, the faster and easier it will be to
teach good manners and the better the lessons will stick. Don't let that sweet innocent face fool you. They are very smart from day one! The two most
important things to teach your dog are:
house training
getting comfortable around people and other dogs
15. Set up a routine
A routine helps with house training and is reassuring to
your dog. Figure out a schedule for meals, bathroom breaks, and
exercise, and try to stick to it.
Your puppy went potty after she ate at the breeders. That’s
a good place to start.
16. Get your dog license ( this is when the puppy is around 4
– 6 months old)
It’s a legal requirement, and your dog’s tag will be used to
get him back to you if he ever gets loose. You may also want to get your dog
microchipped for extra insurance. Check with your local animal care and control
to find out how to get your dog licensed; you may be able to apply online.
17. Find a vet
It’s especially important for a puppy’s first vet visit to be
a pleasant experience so that your angel baby learns to take trips to the vet in stride. Ask
around for referrals, and schedule your first appointment a few days after you
bring her home. Get her established with your vet for future vaccinations,
worming and any other concerns or vet recommendations.
Bottom line: Your dog’s first few weeks home will likely be
a period of huge adjustment, for both of you. You can make the transition much
easier all around if you prepare your home in advance and set up a routine
right away.
Most of all, enjoy your new baby! Think of all the fun and exciting adventures you'll have together.
All of this info is extremely helpful. All I need to do now is go get my baby a pig ear! Thank you for providing me all I need to know about my baby.
ReplyDeleteWow, what great information Sally, Thanks! Wonderful things we need to know and great ideas on how to make the first few weeks comfortable for the new baby!
ReplyDeleteJoe and Ronna Cardone
You are a wealth of knowledge and I love the recommendations. My husband and I were just talking about where we will put the crate in our apartment. I can't wait for an addition to our family!
ReplyDeleteWonderful information Sally. We are so excited to start preparing our home for our new puppy to be comfortable and safe in. You have been so helpful in sharing these blogs. License, microchip, yes been through that. Coming home from picking up baby, yes I'll need something like you suggested. Have to read all these blogs again and again. Appreciate your expertise. Thank You!!!
ReplyDeleteTim and Jane Vaughn
Such great and helpful information Sally! Thank you for the great ideas on making the puppy (and us!) feel comfortable once home!:)
ReplyDeleteJoey Cardone and Ashley Hefton
Such helpful information! We sat down as a family to talk about where the puppy would sleep, where the pen would go, where to put baby gates to keep her safe. And made a shopping list! We had so much fun dreaming together about a new furry family member! Thanks for making such a great list of items we would need to help us make the transition easier for our angel baby and us!
ReplyDeleteThe Dillon Family
Dear Sally,
ReplyDeleteAll the information in this blog was so helpful. I have a much better understanding of what we will be needing to get plus I can always come back to this page to review all the items I will need to prepare for the new arrival. It's so wonderful that we have all these helpful information so we can be extra prepared.
Thank you
Lan T.
Sally, again, great advice on preparing ahead of time for the new arrival. My husband and I are so excited. We have been planning, and arranging for a new arrival. It's such an exciting time. We have a playpen, dog carrier plus a purse carrier, clothes, new grooming supplies, and tons of toys and stuff animals. We need to get a crate yet, plus there is a stuff animal I want to order that has a beating heart. The food information is so important. Because I have never had a Maltese before I have been reading a lot of books on raising Maltese and they do all mention the importance of watching for hyperglycemia. I love how you post and show pictures of the food and supplements you give the puppies, so helpful. If my husband and I are fortunate enough to be chosen to be parents of one of your little Angels I will definately be the main care giver since I am home 24/7. So we are prepared!
ReplyDeleteDenise Vallier
oh my lord when i got our first Maltese baby it was an offer that came to us and we were so unprepared we only had 1 hour notice. We were at the store picking up everything and not knowing anything...well we just bought everything. I am so glad we will be much more prepared this time..we like to think of our journey the first 4 months with our first one as an adventure and cannot wait to use our knowledge we have now with the second one.
ReplyDeleteWow! Great information. Your perspective is very helpful. I think anyone who reads your blog is more cognizant of what the new puppy is going through transitioning to a forever home. I am so ready to set up a cozy bed and play area.
ReplyDeleteI love that you provide new parents photos of their new baby, plus information about their development. It will be agony for new parents to wait for their baby. PIctures and stories will ease the pain and help them prepare. Your other post cautioning parents that their new baby will be scared in a crate by themselves because they are used to 24/7 love is so sweet. Thank you for taking such good care of the babies and parents! Stephanie Andrus
ReplyDeleteYou have done a lot of research. I like the Nutracal to have on hand. Also the Wellness small breed food. I hope the microchip procedure does not hurt the puppies. I do feed prepared as I have had several puppies all taken home at 8 weeks. We have puppy bowls and toys, stuffed animals, and especially a white stuffed animal to help the puppy adjust to their new life. Thank you for all the information.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for a list of grooming supplies and knew you had to have it somewhere on the blog! I also appreciate you mentioning microchipping: it seems to be a big controversy, not just ethically, but for health as well, so reading what your stance is helps a lot…especially for these little pups that are so highly desired. Is there a specific company that you recommend?—I’ve heard that some tales of a RFID reader not being able to pick up a microchip because it couldn’t sense the chip? Just passing this along too, for brand-new puppy parents like me: most of the vets I interviewed offer a bundled puppy package, which includes exams, vaccinations, well puppy check up, with or without microchipping etc, all for a quite reasonable price, so make sure to ask about that if you’re looking for a vet. I also had no idea about hypoglycemia in the Maltese breed, Nutrical will be something I make sure to pick up as well as brushing up on symptoms!
ReplyDeleteI was looking for a list of grooming supplies and knew you had to have it somewhere on the blog! I also appreciate you mentioning microchipping: it seems to be a big controversy, not just ethically, but for health as well, so reading what your stance is helps a lot…especially for these little pups that are so highly desired. Is there a specific company that you recommend?—I’ve heard that some tales of a RFID reader not being able to pick up a microchip because it couldn’t sense the chip? Just passing this along too for new puppy-parents like myself: most of the vets I interviewed offer a bundled puppy package, which includes exams, vaccinations, well puppy check up, with or without microchipping etc, all for a quite reasonable price, so make sure to ask about that if you’re looking for a vet. I also had no idea about hypoglycemia in the Maltese breed, Nutrical will be something I make sure to pick up as well as brushing up on symptoms!
ReplyDelete-CD, Mapleton
Lots of great information! I really appreciate all of the time you put into helping make the transition for the puppies and new parents the best experience it can be by providing so much useful information. It all looks like great advice! I plan on following this closely to ease the puppies stress in the transition. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLisa H. 05/23/18
Hi Sally, I have always used more enclosed crates for my puppy training - I thought that they liked the "den" feeling - do you recommend the open ones for all times of day? Of course, my little one will be with me in the office so I think the open one for there is best and I will get one!
ReplyDeleteSally, it is so refreshing that you take all of the time you do to help "new parents" make the right choices for their babies. Even those of us that have experience get to learn new things! i am glad you encourage microchipping. I have always done it since it became available. Of course, I have not had to find a baby that way but I HAVE taken strays to the vet and had them scanned to see if we could reunite them with their family. Sadly, many times they are not chipped.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful, helpful and necessary suggestions for our new puppy! It is so helpful to have a check off list to make sure we aren't forgetting anything. Thank you Sally for taking the time to make sure Angel Parents are prepared. The information makes it less intimidating in bringing home such a special little puppy! We can't wait!
ReplyDeleteLarry & Denise Ramsfield- Wyoming
I've read this post. Lots of good info. We are mostly prepped, still need to do a few dog-proofing things like raise some wires permanently off the floor. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDear Sally, Just spending hours re-reading your is definitely a “page turner!” Always overwhelmed at the time, energy and love you have put into it. Can’t believe how I am now drawn to the pet and baby departments of every store I wonder into. Like being a new “Grammy” all over again! All of a sudden even cleaning agents have peeked my curiosity! OH MY! Thanks again for this fabulous insight!
ReplyDeleteJoyce Miller
Sally, All this seems like It would be just common sense, and yet to have it spelled out is so reassuring. You have thought of everything and presented it in such a way all should be confident of loading that angel baby into their car and driving off. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteJoyce Miller, Ashland, OR
Wow very good it all
ReplyDeleteAgain I reread it again to make sure I dont miss anything.I have never meant someone with so much knowledge..
ReplyDeleteexcellent information...will be easy to reference when I have a question. Thanks for this!
ReplyDeleteWow!! such a wealth of informative information!! This really helps with us and baby's transition. My husband and I like that we can refer back to this information as a reminder.
ReplyDeleteThis section was really important since its been almost 13 years since we had a puppy in the house. Let's see; sweater for a tiny one, harness, leash, crate, food & water dishes, treats, food, fluffy big stuffs, pee pads, grooming list, etc got it! Oops pig ears! I love it....amazing job Sally.
These are great pointers on what to prepare for. There's a lot to consider, but these are important considerations. I would definitely take time off work to ensure a regular schedule for the puppy, and to make sure the adjustment from mom and siblings go well. I'm sure that can be a nerve wracking and potentially sad experience for the puppy, so making sure the change happens with a lot of positivity will be critical.
ReplyDeleteGreat advice on bringing puppy home!
ReplyDeleteIt has been years since we have had a puppy and boy does this take us back to a wonderful and exciting time. If only we would have had this information back then it would have made a great experience even better. Love all of your ideas and suggestions.
ReplyDeleteMandy and Melissa
Sooooo much information in this section of your website. The Nutracal to prevent hypoglycemia is a gem of information that I wasn't aware of. I checked out the Wellness brand of food and it is recommended by many Maltese breeders and parents. I was concerned about the grain free puppy foods, since my vet had provided me with some research about problems with feeding dogs grain free food. I plan to use the food you suggest and have a discussion with the vet. If she feels it necessary, I will GRADUALLY do a switch to a food she suggests, since she has been our family vet for many years and will be responsible for the veterinary care of our new baby. I always have my kids wear identification tags as well as having microchips. That is so important. I appreciate the additional information about preparing a playpen in addition to Disneyland, AND having a soft carrier for the baby with a blanky and stuffed animals so he/she will feel less stressed.
ReplyDeleteMarjie W.
Sally, You are a wealth of information. I have learned so much. I am looking forward to introducing a new puppy to my home. Making them feel safe, but training puppy to be a well socialized and happy puppy. I am sure I will read this again prior to picking up my Puppy, if not many times.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wealth of information! There's so much to remember. I see the need to print this information off and start a notebook. Thank you for going into details regarding the information on keeping the baby's body temp and blood sugars stable. So important to know! I am familiar with the Wellness Small Breed Dog Food, this is what our Harley was eating.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the puppy nutrition and overall care tips, it's all so helpful. Our home is more than ready for an Angel Baby, as both my husband and I are no-clutter allowed Virgos and lots of time - LOL. Obtaining the recommended puppy supplies is all we need for our future Angel Baby.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wealth of fabulous nformation and suggestons! Everthing is laid out very clearly with specific instructions of what to buy ahead of time. Sally's experience in dealing with many varied possibiities will help us to be pro-active rather than re-active as various situations arise. Not only does this build confidence, but it will also help us to stay calm in helping the baby. This section of the Blog is like taking a parenting training class - thank you!
ReplyDeleteDiane & Charles
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice plus the additional videos on how to crate train the puppy when you first bring him or her home was very informative. It makes you remain calm and remember to be patient, repetition is how your new baby learns what you want. They only want to make you happy! My wife and I have 6 children and 16 grandchildren so patience is something I am use to.
Such great information on puppies after they arrive at our home. My husband and I have had many late night discussions about when and if we are ready for a new puppy, especially the tasks that come with training and caring for a young one. I am glad to see hypoglycemia on this blog, it can be pretty serious especially with a puppy so small and so important to know. I am most excited about grooming, can’t wait to keep my new angel baby looking adorable and beautiful 27/7. We haven't had a puppy in about 11 years but excited for this journey.
ReplyDeleteJen & Jay
Seattle, WA
This part of the blog was so helpful and a complete refresher of every step of bringing a puppy home. I learned about hypoglycemia that you don't think about and now learning how to look for it will be very vigilant to make sure our puppy stays fed.. Can't wait to groom our puppy and make them all beautiful with clothes.
ReplyDeleteStuart & Shirlee
Portland, OR
Thanks! Wonderful things we need to know & great ideas on how to make the first few weeks comfortable for our new baby! Wow! This is all so exciting.
ReplyDeleteGay & Don
Milwaukie OR
Wonderful resource guide all the way from the Earthquake putty to Nutrical! Good check list so you don't overlook something. We appreciate that.
ReplyDeleteSteve & Stephanie
Even more great info!! We will be sure to list each item/idea and be checking them off as we prepare. Sally all this information is so valuable, you are an incredible source for all things we might need to know. It's amazing!
ReplyDeleteJenn & Chris, Wilsonville, OR
Thank you again for this helpful information further preparing us for when we pick up our baby.
Eugene, OR
A lot of stuff to think about! Thank you for providing all of this knowledge. :) It's easy to get excited for a new puppy and to just forget about all of the things that come with it. If accepted as a potential pup parent, I will print all of these blog pages out and go through them to check off what I have and what I need to get.
ReplyDeleteUseful, useful, useful!!! I am so appreciative of how you lay this all out, have it easily accessible, and address so many issues. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you for the advice. The detail is fabulous. I will look back on this as a reference when I bring my baby home
ReplyDeleteThank you for the detailed information. This is just like preparing for a newborn baby. We forgot how much stuff we need for something so tiny.
ReplyDeleteDarielle, Los Alamitos CA
So thankful for all your information. I had forgotten all the things we need for a new puppy.
ReplyDeleteKarolyn & Vern, Carson, WA
Great information. I will have a lot to do to prepare for my puppy to come home. It is going to be such fun and the information Sally shares is so helpful. Puppies sure need a lot of stuff. Marilyn, Eugene, OR
ReplyDeleteI will definitely be referring back to this post A LOT in the next few months. I want my pup to be happy and well adjusted, and that will start with being prepared with all the necessities for both owner and puppy to thrive with such a big life change for both of us.
Hood River, OR
lots and lots of great information. the part on hypoglycemia is invaluable. Printed this part out to have it at my fingertips when my baby comes home. Such an exciting time, I hope time goes by fast, and my baby will be in my arms
ReplyDeleteGreat information & preparation. All very important - will definitely reread this on going. Thank you Sally. Elizabeth S , Lacey/WA
ReplyDeleteGreat information on preparation - what to buy, what to do with it, what to be prepared for, what to watch out for. Not much of this stuff is intuitive for a new puppy parent, particularly about setting up a routine for and hypoglycemia in little ones! With such a big home & lifestyle change (in the form of a very tiny, very fragile little life) is a lot to take in and these instructions are super helpful. Thank you!
ReplyDeletePatricia D, San Francisco CA
excellent information...will be easy to reference when I have a question. Thanks for this!
ReplyDeleteSowmya S.
This is a great wealth of information. Thanks once again for the valuable insight!
ReplyDeleteMichael P., Los Angeles, CA
Great information and it is comforting to know it is here when we are in our first weeks with our new baby! Peggy Z.
ReplyDeleteI will probably let my husband drive and hold the puppy on our way home when we come to pick her up. But still, buying a dog car seat and a blanket for the future is a good idea. We don’t let our kids to travel without car seats and I’ll do the same for the new baby for safety and comfort reasons when I’m driving alone with her. We are so excited to get everything ready for her as soon as possible. Evrim B.,Seattle, WA
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely great advice on HIGH energy Maltese these dogs are definitely high energy and need to be fed multiple times a day. We always fed our senior dogs twice to 3 times a day. The daily schedule is important for both Humans and Puppies as well. All great advice Sally and much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteKen & Marcia
Sparks NV
Great tips! how to get all the nececerry item ,routine, taking time off, vet appointment , all and all the info highly appreciated.
ReplyDeletethank you
Manijee S
Looking forward to getting all the grooming supplies , vitamins and food for my baby. The part I will like best is getting materials for the Puppy Disneyland. Thank you Sally for all the good info you provide I will take it all in and take and have everything ready for when my baby comes home. Connie M Klamath Falls,OR
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, Sally! All of your research is certainly to our benefit. We have many of your recommended items on
ReplyDeletehand, but will need to add some, like Nutracal and the Wellness food.
Linda D.
This is a very good beginner's overall brief guide to preparation. This goes along the line of having the how-to-set-up Disneyland post. Sally does and will always try her best to prepare you for everything for the puppy's safety which goes to say how she feels about these puppies. Absolutely helpful and will use this as a starting guide to more learning for the puppy!
ReplyDeleteJayden K, Seattle, WA
Thank you for such a great information. It is very resourceful. I have some supply but not all of them. I'll definitely refer to these as our reference. All are very important, especially, hypoglycemia, food and treat. I will review this over prior to her arrival. I'm a little nervous, but I want to do it right. Her health, well being, and safety are the most important thing to me.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sally for all the valuable information! We will be following your advice and getting the house prepared and all the other things that our new baby needs. You are a wealth of information and we appreciate all you do. I will read through everything again to refresh my memory before bringing our baby home. Thank you, this is so helpful!! Dave and Lori, Olympia, WA
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting efforts on organizing everything together! We really appreciate the work you’ve done. We are so lucky to find you here. Fan&Siwei, Seattle, WA
ReplyDeleteTaking puppy home! Wow! I can’t wait this day coming to be true!
ReplyDeleteSally, you posted such great information for every parent to learn! Learn how to make their new puppies happy and comfortable the first few weeks of their new home. Thank you!
zliu, Portland, OR
So much great information that is very appreciated and extremely helpful. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeletewhew so much to look forward too!! I love learning every bit of the information I am really looking forward to putting it all into practice!! Excited. Jan L
ReplyDeleteThank you sally for all the information on buying and where to buy what’s needed. I’m making a list, and have this amazing blog to lean from.
ReplyDeleteI’ve found things crates etc on amazon , I feel it’s a great way to get what we need. Also I’m very close to Keizer station which has a Petco . Grooming is provided there as well.
Thank you for the list on what to watch for if the puppy gets sick.
I plan on having what I need on hand in case.
But pray the puppy won’t be sick.
We have a saw in the garage in case we need to cut a bottom for the cage. Hubby is mr fix it like I said, he will do what’s needed.
The posts are very helpful, learning from other as to how they care for their baby. It’s a awesome blog a great tool for learning.
Nancy O
Such great information to make sure people are prepared! Thank you for taking the time. Great reminders on how to be prepared and to care for their baby's arrival.
ReplyDeleteSteve & Meg
Seattle, WA
In this blog it talks about "creating a gated off living space" just for baby. Is this the "Disneyland" or something additional?
ReplyDeleteI plan to get a baby carrier so my Angel Baby can be with me throughout the day, similar to what I did with my kiddos 20 years ago. :)
Joyce & Scott
Issaquah, WA
This is such great information, and covers so many things I wasn’t sure about! Thank you! I’ll have lots to prepare :)
ReplyDeleteChris H, Bellevue, WA
This was very helpful! Thank you so much. You went into so much detail and that information was very helpful! And this helped me quite a bit!
ReplyDeleteQuills sister,
This is fantastic information! I love how easy Sally has made it for all of of is to find every thing we need to care for our pups. Nothing is missed, and no detail is too small ♥️
ReplyDeleteStacey V - Hillsboro, OR
So much to discuss and review! Lots of decisions to make, and so much to review on the blogs!
ReplyDeleteNancy G & Bill Q.
Oregon City, OR
Wow, what a wealth of helpful information. There is so much to know about taking care of these little ones and it is such a relief to know that there is this website to reference and we are able to contact Sally for any other questions. We want to do this right and give our little baby the best possible home, and Sally is helping us do just that! Jillian C., Fall Creek, OR
ReplyDeletethank you Sally for the great information , I wouldn't have thought of pigs ears , I love that we can call you back and go back to this page and re read it again .. you are a gem of a person and I'm sure it comes out in your angel babies...Cindy D Lake Tapps, WA
ReplyDeleteThank you Sally, Janie M. Onalaska WA.
ReplyDeleteSuper helpful as always Sally, this is such a wealth of useful information - it shows how much you know and are willing to share with us as pet parents. We have spent a great deal of time working with our vet and his nutritional advice has made our pets always happy and healthy.
ReplyDeleteRyan & Kim, San Francisco, CA
Hi Sally,
ReplyDeleteI love that you have covered everything in this whole process. There are things I have not thought of. You are so detailed, I feel like I know what I need to do to bring my baby home. I think it is very important for a household to get on the same page. I definitely do not want to confuse my puppy or have him/her feel abandoned. You have covered everything to consider when bringing a baby home and what you would need to do if these things happen. That is very helpful! I really appreciate you covering training and keeping a schedule. I think that will be important too!
Galit M, Bend Oregon
We will be looking at all of Sally's wonderful info even after we are prepared to pick up our little one.
ReplyDeleteA wealth of helpful information here. I thought we had it all covered but this is even better and we'll revisit this again leading up to our little angel coming home with us!
ReplyDeleteAnn & David M. Tacoma, WA
Hi Sally,
ReplyDeleteThis information is so valuable. Even after owning dogs in the past, this is so helpful. There is so much to do to get ready for a new little puppy. So much to think about. I want to make sure my little one feels safe and loved. I know it’s hard for a puppy to leave her mother, siblings, the breeder, and the only place she has ever known. It’s important to remember that everything will be new to this little buddle you just brought home and to be patient. Thank you, Sally, for being such a wealth of knowledge and sharing that knowledge with your puppies’ parents.
Diana & Bill W. Livermore, CA
All of this information is extremely useful and will better prepare us and the puppy for the transition into our home.
ReplyDeleteJulaine F. - Canby, OR
I’ve already created a “puppy list” on Amazon and a to-do list in my notes and adding items as I go thru all the posts. Thanks for all the work you put into this blog, Sally!
ReplyDeleteDaria K., Seattle, WA
learning what puppy needs before coming home is a big list, but to keep your puppy in top shape and looking good when he is with new family is a great way to get both you and the new little one on good terms and making the puppy feel safe and relaxed. They need a lot but also consider what you need as a person and what babies need to survive and be happy. Connie H. Corvallis, Oregon
ReplyDeleteI think there is a lot to learn by you and the puppy the first few weeks, but if you have any issues call Sally she is willing and will always take your call and can get you through any issues you may have. Use the people that know what might be going on don't make issues get to big before you ask for help. Connie H. Corvallis, Oregon Connie H. Corvallis Oregon
ReplyDeleteMy world has always revolved around my pets and my granddaughters and this won't change - I've learned a lot from this process so far. I'm already planning on taking one or two of the teenagers with me when I go to bring this new one home as I'm a days drive away. I want to be sure this puppy is happy on the way home - it will be the biggest transition she's had to make and it's so important she feels safe. This process has also made me look at everything I need to do in the next few months getting ready for this little one. Judi - Reno NV
ReplyDeleteThis valuable information is extremely helpful in planning for the arrival of our baby... such a wonderful resource guide to have on hand! Daily routine is definitely key! Microchip is a must ... our last Maltese had a Microchip! It is so reassuring and comforting to know you are always just a phone call away if we ever have any questions or need you for anything! Ashley Q ~ Lake Oswego, OR
ReplyDeleteWe agree that a low stress transition into a new home is a great start, as well as beginning a routine is always crucial because pups thrive with consistency. Our home is the perfect setup for a puppy.
ReplyDeleteJohn & Brenda V
Lots of good info. Some I’m familiar with but lots that is new. I’m totally in favor of routine. One of my dogs was upset too far out of her routine and I myself do best with a basic routine.
Dayton OR
im so looking forward to it all! Michele G Sun City CA
ReplyDeleteSo many things to keep in mind. I'm glad that I can return to this blog and make sure I have everything before the big day!
ReplyDeleteCathy L
Seattle, WA
This is great information. I will return to refresh my memory and make my shopping list for my little angel. Tracy D. Vancouver WA
ReplyDeleteGreat information reading again and making notes!
ReplyDeleteKathy S Central Point or
Thanks Sally. This is very helpful tips. Tarun R.
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with all this info. I feel like I'm snapping so many pictures so that I don't forget anything. Thank you for giving all this information.
ReplyDeleteDebbie M. Independence Oregon
I just keeping learning new pieces and am thankful they are here. I have made lists and more to be made.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sally, you have given us excellent tips and resources to consider/have as we prep for welcoming the new member of our family! We really appreciate all of the info you have provided and your blog will certainly be the first place we look whenever we need helpful tips/resources for our new fur baby!
ReplyDeleteAlly & Matt; Seattle, WA
Wow, this is awesome Sally! I will be reading through this section many more times before we bring our little angel baby home. This is just the best information to have before bringing a new puppy home. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLisa & Randy T, Bend, OR
Wow, you really are a wealth of knowledge and it means so much. I am a current Maltese owner but even I forgot some of the things about him being a baby. I really appreciate you publishing all this great info.
Wow! Definitely will have to refer back to this over the next couple of weeks! Even though I’ve had puppies - you do forget! Love this information!
ReplyDeleteGreat information and reminders when it’s been a while since we’ve had a baby around. I’m sure I’ll be referring to this page a few times.
ReplyDeleteRuby O
Springfield, ore
This is such important information and greatly appreciated. I wish I would have had this with my other babies.. but your common sense approach is terrific, and I can tell that it must be hard with seeing these little darlings leave when it is time for them to go to their forever homes. I cannot wait for them to come into the world. JUDI H
ReplyDeleteWow this is all amazing and clear advice. I have spent a year reading and researching all that I could find and all I had to do was to read this. Thank you for putting all of this information in one place that I'm sure I will read more than once before I bring my new fur baby home. Kailee C. Windermere, BC Canada
ReplyDeleteThis is a wealth of information here. We will read it and refer to it again and again. It’s clear how important it will be to have everything ready well before we bring our little guy home! We are looking forward to purchasing all of the items you suggest and setting up our home around our new addition. And knowing you are there if we have questions is so helpful Sally. Thank you. Bob and Lisa, Newport, Oregon
ReplyDeleteI've bookmarked this page so I can refer back over the coming weeks. Such excellent information and detail. I especially liked learning about the ride home; I will make sure I have someone drive me so I can hold my little guy on the way home! I never thought about the crate as being impersonal, but you're right! I'm very glad you mentioned it. Elizabeth M, Portland, OR
ReplyDeleteTons of helpfull information on this blog about training, vet etx, thankyou Moe, M. Spokane WA
ReplyDeleteWhat a wealth of information! Many things in this post seem so obvious, but when the day comes to bring a baby home I know that I will be checking, and double checking all of these posts to make sure I left nothing out of my preparation process. So many things to do to ensure the transition from litter mates and mom the a new home go right!
ReplyDeleteThis is such great information. Thank you so much for all the details you covered.
ReplyDeletePam S.Woodburn, Oregon
So much good information!
ReplyDeleteSavani, Beaverton Oregon.
Definitely great information. I plan to read this section a few more times before I bring my little in home! - Steve R / Portland, OR
ReplyDeleteWe have alot of SUGAR baby items...we will be adding MANY items of course that you show on this page also, to set up for NEW baby's arrival. I will have lists with me while shopping (everywhere) I go ! She will be a VERY HAPPY little girl ! Thank you for thinking of every possible way for us to transition in bringing BABY to her forever home comfortably ! SueC Eagle Pt OR
ReplyDeleteFor me the review of how easy it is for a puppy to become hypoglycemic was important. I never would have known that corn syrup rubbed on the gums could help reverse this. Very good to know.
ReplyDeleteHi Sally, I am a little concerned on the best method to bring the little guy back to our home from your house. Since we will be driving back to Northern California, typically a ten to twelve hour drive, I think we should break the trip into a couple of days to make sure he has plenty of food breaks, sleep time, and potty breaks along the way. Question- do you feel that staying in dog friendly hotels along the way back home may cause him some anxiety due to the smell of other dogs that stayed in the hotel rooms previously?
We are planning on bringing the "Puppy Disneyland" with us and set it up in the hotel rooms to get him familiar with his new sleeping/playing environment but I am concerned the drive is too long to complete all in one or two days. Do you have any suggestions to make the drive more comfortable for the little guy?
Loni A., Plumas Lake, CA
So much terrific information! New kennel ordered, toy treasure trove many things to do to get ready for the new, fun, FUN!! This post is a resource I will refer to often. I truly appreciate your experience and willingness to share Sally. The every new baby deserves the very best home and this post is a roadmap for setting up the perfect one.
ReplyDeleteGlenna C., Tualatin, OR
Sally, thank you for all this great information and taking the guess work out of what we need for a new puppy. My husband and I are retired so we have plenty of time to spend with a new puppy.
ReplyDeleteJackie G
Great to read about puppy issues like hypoglycemic issues. I can’t wait to start preparing our home. It’s important to realize how much a puppy needs to eat, great info.
Another great post with loads of great information, advice, and suggestions. I took my time to absorb it all. With the information here I was able do add several more items to my shopping list and fill in a few more bullets to my pre- and post-adoption todo lists. My gratitude for your assistance through this process continues to grow the more I read. Thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteJeffrey G
Beaverton, OR
Thank you Sally and everyone who shared information. So looking forward to shopping for our new puppy.:)
ReplyDeleteJeanne P.
Hillsboro, OR
This is a wonderful resource for all new puppy parents! It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new puppy and forget all the things a puppy will need!
ReplyDeleteTiffany D
Portland, OR
The family will be excited and loving to a new baby puppy. I will be the primary caretaker. I know the baby needs to be warm and I will make the crate happy and warm. She will have stuffed anilmals and blankets galore. I will feed her well. We have all grooming supplies... Paul groomed them everyday. I have carriers and alao a baby carriage.
ReplyDeleteLori C., Dayton, Nevada
This was very helpful with all the very important information to help the puppy get settled in its new home. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into putting all this information together.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the time to bring our new Angel baby home.
Mary S., Eureka, Montana
Thank you for answering these important questions. I was not aware of hypoglycemia and it is so helpful to know. I was unsure how to transport the puppy home and feel more informed. Steph O., Portland, OR
ReplyDeleteGood information for those of us who havent had a puppy in a long time.
ReplyDeleteJ & R
Skagit Valley WA
Good information for those of us who havent had a puppy in a long time.
ReplyDeleteJ & R
Skagit Valley WA
This will be a blog that I will refer back to often, I’m sure of it. Good to know this info from you, to help make the transition and training more comfortable for puppy.
ReplyDeleteIm so happy to be aware of the conditions these babies are prone to so i can always make sure they are healthy!
ReplyDeleteNutracal will definitely be my top purchases .
Temecula, CA
January 11, 2022
ReplyDeleteThis is a blog that I will be referring to often. Have not had a new puppy for 16 years.I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this.
Dorothy J.
Keizer, OR
Thank you for this useful information, It is nice to have this kind of guidance.
ReplyDeleteWe can’t wait for the time to come to bring our new puppy to its new home. My husband will drive as usual and I will be able to hold and comfort our puppy. We also have a backpack that is both a car carrier and an airline approved travel carrier. At home we have a baby gate and three dog beds. We will also have a new Disneyland all ready. I like the Wellness brand of dog food too.
ReplyDeleteLori M. Gearhart, OR
Great information to make those first few weeks a joyful experience for all.
ReplyDeleteMarcia S. Reno, NV
Thank you Sally, I really love the idea of setting rules, plans and jobs ahead of time! We are already busy planning and my daughter is making list upon list to prepare for the arrival!!! Fantastic information!
ReplyDeleteKiran R.- Seattle
Thanks for all the great tips! Its been a while since I had a fur baby thanks for the. Memory refresh!
ReplyDeleteRita O Portland OR
Thank you Sally for all the great advice.
ReplyDeleteErskin And Marilyn Tacoma Wa.
The video of baby's first trip home is adorable. Great info in here!
ReplyDeleteMarla M. Maple Valley, WA
Thank you Sally! So helpful! This shopping list is amazing! Can’t wait to shop for our new puppy! - Heather Salvesen
ReplyDeleteThank you Sally for all of the great information and necessary things we need to purchase beforehand, I’ll have fun shopping!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sally for all the information on what we will need to purchase beforehand, I’m excited to start this process and shop and spoil our puppy!
ReplyDeleteBarbara N.
Maple Valley, WA
Great information!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sally for all this great information to have when we bring home an Angel Baby.